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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing 2E, 2M, O and 2S

CHEMOSMOSESCHEMOSMOSIS n. a chemical reaction between two compounds after osmosis through an intervening semipermeable membrane.
COMMEASUREScommeasures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of commeasure.
COMMEASURE v. to be commensurate with; to equal.
COMMONSENSEcommonsense adj. Alternative form of common-sense; attributive form of common sense.
common␣sense n. Ordinary sensible understanding; one’s basic intelligence which allows for plain understanding and without…
common␣sense n. (Obsolete) An internal sense, formerly believed to be the sense by which information from the other…
EMBLOSSOMEDemblossomed v. Simple past tense and past participle of emblossom.
EMBLOSSOM v. to cover or adorn with blossoms.
EMBOSSMENTSembossments n. Plural of embossment.
EMBOSSMENT n. the act of forming bosses or raised figures.
EUDEMONISMSeudemonisms n. Plural of eudemonism.
EUDEMONISM n. the theory that the highest ethical goal is happiness and personal wellbeing, also EUDAEMONISM, EUDAIMONISM.
GOMBEENISMSGOMBEENISM n. the state of being a gombeen.
HEGEMONISMShegemonisms n. Plural of hegemonism.
HEGEMONISM n. the state of being a hegemony.
IMMODESTIESimmodesties n. Plural of immodesty.
IMMODESTY n. lack of modesty.
MELANOSOMESmelanosomes n. Plural of melanosome.
MELANOSOME n. a melanin-producing granule in a melanocyte.
MESOMERISMSmesomerisms n. Plural of mesomerism.
MESOMERISM n. in chemistry, resonance, a type of tautomerism.
MICROMESHESmicromeshes n. Plural of micromesh.
MICROMESH n. a very fine mesh.
MUSEUMGOERSmuseumgoers n. Plural of museumgoer.
museum-goers n. Plural of museum-goer.
OSMOMETRIESOSMOMETRY n. the use of an osmometer, an instrument for measuring osmotic pressure.
SEISMOMETERseismometer n. (Geology) A device used by seismologists to detect and measure seismic waves and therefore locate earthquakes…
SEISMOMETER n. an instrument for measuring earthquake intensity.
SEISMOMETRYseismometry n. The numerical or spatial measurement of earthquakes.
SEISMOMETRY n. the scientific study of earthquakes.
SLUMBERSOMEslumbersome adj. Characterised or marked by slumber; sleepy.
SLUMBERSOME adj. sleepy.
SUMMERHOUSEsummerhouse n. A house owned not as a primary residence and used as vacation home during warm weather months of the year.
summerhouse n. An outbuilding in a garden where the owners can relax in warm weather.
summer-house n. Alternative spelling of summerhouse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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