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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing 2E, L, O, S, U and Y

BEAUTEOUSLYbeauteously adv. In a beauteous manner.
BEAUTEOUS adv. beautiful.
DEXTEROUSLYdexterously adv. In a dexterous manner; skillfully; with precision.
DEXTEROUS adv. skilful and active with the hands, also DEXTROUS.
EGREGIOUSLYegregiously adv. Conspicuously badly (used negatively).
EGREGIOUS adv. conspicuously bad or offensive.
ERRONEOUSLYerroneously adv. In an erroneous manner.
erroneously adv. Incorrectly.
ERRONEOUS adv. wrong.
EXOGENOUSLYexogenously adv. In an exogenous manner.
EXOGENOUS adv. originating from outside.
GROTESQUELYgrotesquely adv. In a grotesque manner; disgustingly.
GROTESQUE adv. (French) extravagantly formed, fantastic; bizarre.
HONEYSUCKLEhoneysuckle n. Any of the many species of arching shrubs and climbing vines of the genus Lonicera in the Caprifoliaceae…
honeysuckle n. Any of several species of superficially similar plants from Australia.
Honeysuckle prop.n. A female given name.
HOUSEWIFELYhousewifely adj. Befitting a housewife.
HOUSEWIFELY adj. like a housewife, also HOUSEWIFEY.
ISOBUTYLENEisobutylene n. (Organic chemistry) methylpropene; isobutene.
ISOBUTYLENE n. an isomer of butylene used in the manufacture of synthetic rubber.
LECHEROUSLYlecherously adv. In a lecherous manner; characteristic of a lecher.
LECHEROUS adv. lustful.
MYELOGENOUSmyelogenous adj. Originating in, or produced by, bone marrow.
MYELOGENOUS adj. of, relating to, originating in, or produced by the bone marrow.
PLENTEOUSLYplenteously adv. (Archaic) copiously; plentifully; in abundance.
PLENTEOUS adv. plentiful.
REPOSEFULLYreposefully adv. In a reposeful manner; at rest.
REPOSEFUL adv. restful.
SETACEOUSLYsetaceously adv. In a setaceous manner.
SETACEOUS adv. set with, or consisting of, bristles.
SUBEMPLOYEDsubemployed adj. In a state of subemployment.
SUBEMPLOYED adj. employed by a subcontractor.
UNEMPLOYEDSunemployeds n. Plural of unemployed.
UNEMPLOYED n. one who is unemployed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 62 words
  • Scrabble in French: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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