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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing 2E, L, N, T, V and Y

ADVERTENTLYadvertently adv. Intentionally, on purpose, purposely.
ADVERTENT adv. attentive, heedful.
ATTENTIVELYattentively adv. In an attentive manner.
ATTENTIVE adv. full of attention.
DIVERGENTLYdivergently adv. In a divergent manner.
DIVERGENT adv. diverging.
EVENTUALITYeventuality n. A possible event; something that may happen.
eventuality n. (Obsolete, phrenology) An individual’s propensity to take notice of events, changes, or facts.
EVENTUALITY n. a possible event or outcome.
EVITERNALLYeviternally adv. Eternally.
EVITERNAL adv. eternal.
EXTENSIVELYextensively adv. In an extensive manner, widely.
extensively adv. To a great extent.
EXTENSIVE adv. large, widespread, also EXTENSE.
INCENTIVELYincentively adv. In a way that incites or encourages.
INCENTIVE adv. inciting to action.
INCEPTIVELYinceptively adv. In an inceptive manner.
INCEPTIVE adv. marking the beginning or formation.
INTENSIVELYintensively adv. In an intensive way.
INTENSIVE adv. making intense.
INTERVALLEYintervalley adj. Between valleys.
intervalley n. A valley lying between other valleys, or between other entities.
INTERVALLEY adj. between valleys.
INVECTIVELYinvectively adv. In an invective manner.
INVECTIVE adv. abusive.
INVENTIVELYinventively adv. In an inventive manner.
INVENTIVE adv. given to invention.
OSTENSIVELYostensively adv. (Manner) In an ostensive manner.
ostensively adv. (Modal) Ostensibly.
OSTENSIVE adv. showing, exhibiting.
PREVALENTLYprevalently adv. Generally, usually, mainly.
PREVALENT adv. prevailing, widespread.
PREVENTABLYpreventably adv. Such that it could be prevented.
PREVENTABLE adv. that can be prevented, also PREVENTIBLE.
PREVENTIBLYPREVENTIBLE adv. that can be prevented, also PREVENTABLE.
RETENTIVELYretentively adv. In a retentive manner.
RETENTIVE adv. tending to retain.
SENSITIVELYsensitively adv. In a sensitive manner; with sensitivity.
SENSITIVE adv. having the power of sensation.
TENTATIVELYtentatively adv. Of, or having to do with being tentative.
TENTATIVE adv. cautious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 38 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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