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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing 2E, L, M, 2N and R

ENGRAILMENTengrailment n. The ring of dots around the edge of a coin or medal, etc.
engrailment n. (Heraldry) Indentation in curved lines, as of a line of division or the edge of an ordinary.
ENGRAILMENT n. a ring of dots around edge of a coin.
ENLARGEMENTenlargement n. An act or instance of making something larger.
enlargement n. (Figuratively) A making more obvious or serious; exacerbation.
enlargement n. An image, particularly a photograph, that has been enlarged.
ENROLLMENTSenrollments n. Plural of enrollment.
ENROLLMENT n. the act of enrolling.
ENTHRALMENTenthralment n. Alternative spelling of enthrallment.
ENTHRALMENT n. the state of being enthralled, also ENTHRALLMENT.
INCREMENTALincremental adj. Pertaining to an increment.
incremental adj. Occurring over a series of gradual increments, or small steps.
INCREMENTAL adj. of the nature of an increment.
INNUMERABLEinnumerable adj. Not capable of being counted, enumerated, or numbered.
innumerable adj. Of a very high number; extremely numerous.
INNUMERABLE adj. that cannot be counted, also INNUMEROUS.
INTERMINGLEintermingle v. To mix or become mixed together.
INTERMINGLE v. to intermix.
MONEYLENDERmoneylender n. A person who lends money and charges interest, especially one who is not part of the official financial industry.
MONEYLENDER n. one whose business is lending money.
PERMANENTLYpermanently adv. In a permanent manner; lastingly.
permanently adv. Forever.
PERMANENT adv. remaining, or intended to remain, indefinitely.
REALIGNMENTrealignment n. The act of realigning or something realigned.
REALIGNMENT n. the act of realigning.
RELENTMENTSrelentments n. Plural of relentment.
RELENTMENT n. the act of relenting.
UNRAVELMENTunravelment n. The act of unravelling.
unravelment n. The state of being unravelled.
UNRAVELMENT n. the state of being unravelled.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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