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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing 2E, L, 2M, O and R

EMBROILMENTembroilment n. The condition of being embroiled in something; an imbroglio or entanglement.
EMBROILMENT n. the state of being embroiled.
IMMORTELLESimmortelles n. Plural of immortelle.
IMMORTELLE n. (French) a plant with flowers that retain their color when dried.
IMPLEMENTORimplementor n. Alternative spelling of implementer.
IMPLEMENTOR n. one who implements, also IMPLEMENTER.
MEMORIALISEmemorialise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of memorialize.
MEMORIALISE v. to celebrate with a memorial, also MEMORIALIZE.
MEMORIALIZEmemorialize v. (US) To provide a memorial for someone; to commemorate.
memorialize v. (Transitive, social media) To convert (someone’s profile) into a memorial site/page (e.g. on Facebook).
memorialize v. (Law) To create a written record of a meeting or conversation.
MEMORISABLEmemorisable adj. Alternative form of memorizable.
MEMORISABLE adj. able to be memorised, also MEMORIZABLE.
MEMORIZABLEmemorizable adj. That may be memorized.
MEMORIZABLE adj. able to be memorised, also MEMORISABLE.
MILEOMETERSmileometers n. Plural of mileometer.
MILEOMETER n. an instrument that records the number of miles that a vehicle, etc. has travelled, also MILOMETER.
MUMBLECORESSorry, definition not available.
NEUROLEMMASneurolemmas n. Plural of neurolemma.
NEUROLEMMA n. the delicate outer sheath of a nerve fiber, also NEURILEMMA.
SLUMBERSOMEslumbersome adj. Characterised or marked by slumber; sleepy.
SLUMBERSOME adj. sleepy.
UNMEMORABLEunmemorable adj. Not memorable.
UNMEMORABLE adj. not memorable.
VOLTAMMETERvoltammeter n. An instrument used to measure both electrical current and voltage.
VOLTAMMETER n. a dual-purpose instrument that can measure both potential difference and electric current, usually in volts and amperes respectively.
VOLUMOMETERvolumometer n. (Physics) A device for measuring the volume of a solid by means of the pressure difference in a confined…
VOLUMOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the volume of a solid body by the quantity of fluid it displaces.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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