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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 8 eleven-letter words containing 2E, 2L, M, P and S

EMPLOYABLESemployables n. Plural of employable.
EMPLOYABLE n. one who is employable.
MELLOPHONESmellophones n. Plural of mellophone.
MELLOPHONE n. a brass wind instrument resembling the French horn.
MELLOWSPEAKmellowspeak n. (Derogatory) bland, nonjudgmental, feel-good language.
MELLOWSPEAK n. a bland nonassertive form of language associated with New Age philosophy.
MULTIPLEXESmultiplexes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of multiplex.
multiplexes n. Plural of multiplex.
MULTIPLEX v. to incorporate into a multiplex signal or system.
PEPPERMILLSpeppermills n. Plural of peppermill.
pepper␣mills n. Plural of pepper mill.
PEPPERMILL n. a small hand-mill in which peppercorns are ground.
PERMILLAGESpermillages n. Plural of permillage.
PERMILLAGE n. reckoning by the thousand.
PHELLODERMSphelloderms n. Plural of phelloderm.
PHELLODERM n. a layer of green parenchymatous cells formed on the inner side of the phellogen, the tissue of young cells which produces cork cells.
PSILOMELANEpsilomelane n. Any hard, black hydrous manganese oxide with variable amounts of barium and potassium.
PSILOMELANE n. an oxide of manganese, usually with barium, etc., occurring in smooth black botryoidal masses.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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