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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing 2E, K, L, 2R and S

BIERKELLERSbierkellers n. Plural of bierkeller.
BIERKELLER n. (German) a beer cellar.
CREWELWORKScrewelworks n. Plural of crewelwork.
CREWELWORK n. embroidery done with crewel.
DEERSTALKERdeerstalker n. One who takes part in deer stalking.
deerstalker n. Alternative form of deerstalker hat.
deer␣stalker n. One who takes part in deer stalking.
HERRENVOLKSherrenvolks n. Plural of herrenvolk.
HERRENVOLK n. (German) a master race, a race believing themselves to be fitted to rule the world.
LAWBREAKERSlawbreakers n. Plural of lawbreaker.
law-breakers n. Plural of law-breaker (alternative form of lawbreakers).
LAWBREAKER n. a person who violates the law.
LEUKORRHEASleukorrheas n. Plural of leukorrhea.
LEUKORRHEA n. a vaginal discharge, also LEUCORRHOEA.
OVERLOCKERSoverlockers n. Plural of overlocker.
OVERLOCKER n. a person or machine that overlocks, oversews a hem or fabric edge to prevent fraying.
OVERLOOKERSoverlookers n. Plural of overlooker.
OVERLOOKER n. one who overlooks.
RACEWALKERSracewalkers n. Plural of racewalker.
race␣walkers n. Plural of race walker.
RACEWALKER n. one who engages in racewalking.
RATHSKELLERrathskeller n. A bar or restaurant in a basement, especially one that serves beer.
RATHSKELLER n. (German) a usually basement tavern or restaurant.
REMARKABLESremarkables n. Remarkable things.
REMARKABLE n. something worthy of remark.
ROPEWALKERSropewalkers n. Plural of ropewalker.
ROPEWALKER n. a ropedancer.
SHAREMILKERsharemilker n. One who takes part in a sharemilking arrangement.
share-milker n. Alternative form of sharemilker.
share␣milker n. Alternative form of sharemilker.
SNORKELLERSsnorkellers n. Plural of snorkeller.
SNORKELLER n. one who uses a snorkel, also SNORKELER.
SPRINKLEREDsprinklered v. Simple past tense and past participle of sprinkler.
SPRINKLER v. to water with a sprinkler.
STEELWORKERsteelworker n. A person who manufactures or shapes steel.
steelworker n. (Uncommon) A person employed to build steel structures, an ironworker.
Steelworker n. A member of the North American trade union United Steelworkers.
TELEMARKERStelemarkers n. Plural of telemarker.
TELEWORKERSteleworkers n. Plural of teleworker.
TELEWORKER n. a telecommuter.
TRESTLEWORKtrestlework n. A system of trestles, especially one used to support a bridge.
TRESTLEWORK n. a system of connected trestles supporting a structure (as a railroad bridge).
WIREWALKERSwirewalkers n. Plural of wirewalker.
WIREWALKER n. a tightrope walker.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 87 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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