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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing 2E, I, 2N, O and X

COEXTENDINGcoextending v. Present participle of coextend.
COEXTEND v. to extend equally in space or time.
COEXTENSIONcoextension n. The act of extending equally, or the state of being equally extended.
COEXTENSION n. the act of coextending.
ENTEROTOXINenterotoxin n. (Biochemistry) Any of several toxins produced by intestinal bacteria.
ENTEROTOXIN n. an intestinal toxin that causes food poisoning.
EXONERATINGexonerating v. Present participle of exonerate.
EXONERATE v. to clear of blame.
EXONERATIONexoneration n. An act of disburdening, discharging, or freeing morally from a charge or imputation.
exoneration n. (Uncountable) The state of being disburdened or freed from a charge.
EXONERATION n. the act of exonerating.
EXPONENTIALexponential adj. Relating to an exponent.
exponential adj. (Mathematics) Expressed in terms of a power of e.
exponential adj. (Mathematics) Characterised by a rate of change that is proportional to the value of the varying quantity…
EXTENSIONALextensional adj. Of or pertaining to extension.
extensional adj. Having great extent.
EXTENSIONAL adj. of, relating to, or marked by extension.
EXTENUATIONextenuation n. (Countable and uncountable) The action of extenuating; extenuated condition.
EXTENUATION n. the act of extenuating.
GENUFLEXIONgenuflexion n. Alternative spelling of genuflection.
GENUFLEXION n. the bending of the knees in respect or worship, also GENUFLECTION.
INEXECUTIONinexecution n. Failure to execute or carry out.
INEXECUTION n. the fact or state of not being executed.
INEXTENSIONinextension n. Lack of extension; unextended state.
INEXTENSION n. lack of extension.
NONEXISTENTnonexistent adj. Not existent or existing; not real.
nonexistent adj. Not present or occurring.
nonexistent n. Something that does not exist.
XENOGENESISxenogenesis n. A foreign origin or source.
xenogenesis n. (Biology) The production of an offspring that is unlike either of its parents.
XENOGENESIS n. the supposed production of offspring totally different from the parents, also XENOGENY.
XENOGENETICxenogenetic adj. Being of foreign origin; having originated elsewhere.
xenogenetic adj. Relating to xenogenesis.
XENOGENETIC adj. relating to xenogeny, the supposed production of offspring totally different from the parents, also XENOGENIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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