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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing 2E, H, 2I, L and R

DISRELISHEDdisrelished v. Simple past tense and past participle of disrelish.
DISRELISH v. to dislike, not relish.
DISRELISHESdisrelishes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disrelish.
DISRELISH v. to dislike, not relish.
FIRELIGHTERfirelighter n. Small block of flammable substance, typically sawdust and wax combined, used to light fires.
FIRELIGHTER n. a piece of readily flammable material or other means of lighting a fire.
HELIOMETRICheliometric adj. Of or relating to the heliometer, or to heliometry.
HELIOMETRIC adj. relating to heliometry, also HELIOMETRICAL.
HELISPHERIChelispheric adj. Spiral.
HELISPHERIC adj. pertaining to rhumb lines, loxodromic, also HELISPHERICAL.
HIEROLOGIEShierologies n. Plural of hierology.
HIEROLOGY n. the science of sacred matters.
INHERITABLEinheritable adj. That can be inherited.
inheritable adj. Capable of taking by inheritance, or of receiving by descent; capable of succeeding to, as an heir.
INHERITABLE adj. capable of being inherited or of passing by inheritance, also HERITABLE.
LIMELIGHTERlimelighter n. A person who excessively seeks attention or tries to take credit for the accomplishments of others.
LIMELIGHTER n. something that produces limelight.
PERITHECIALperithecial adj. Relating to a perithecium.
PERITHECIAL adj. related to a perithecium, a small fruiting body containing ascospores.
PHILAVERIESPHILAVERY n. an idiosyncratic collection of uncommon and pleasing words.
SCHILLERISEschillerise v. Alternative form of schillerize.
SCHILLERISE v. to give a bronze lustre to, also SCHILLERIZE.
SCHILLERIZEschillerize v. To change so as to produce a metalic luster.
Schillerize v. To interpret or adapt based on the moral and aesthetic philosophy of Friedrich Schiller.
SCHILLERIZE v. to give a bronze lustre to, also SCHILLERISE.
SIDEROPHILEsiderophile n. (Chemistry, geology) In the Goldschmidt classification, an element that forms alloys easily with iron…
siderophile n. A siderophile element, tissue, or cell.
siderophile adj. (Of a cell or tissue) Having an affinity for iron.
SLITHERIESTslitheriest adj. Superlative form of slithery: most slithery.
SLITHERY adj. given to slithering.
WHIFFLERIESWHIFFLERY n. levity; trifling.
XEROPHILIESXEROPHILY n. adaptation to very dry conditions.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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