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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing 2E, 2H, I, L and S

CHAINWHEELSchainwheels n. Plural of chainwheel.
CHAINWHEEL n. a toothed wheel, as on a bicycle, which meshes with a chain.
CHERISHABLEcherishable adj. Capable of, or suitable for, being cherished.
CHERISHABLE adj. that can be cherished.
ELSEWHITHERelsewhither adv. (Formal) To some other place; in some other direction.
ELSEWHITHER adv. to another place.
HAEMOPHILESHAEMOPHILE n. a person with haemophilia, also HEMOPHILE.
HEALTHINESShealthiness n. (Uncountable) The state or quality of being healthy.
healthiness n. (Countable) The product or result of being healthy.
HEALTHINESS n. the state of being healthy.
HELIOPHYTESheliophytes n. Plural of heliophyte.
HELIOPHYTE n. a plant flourishing in sunlight.
HELIOSPHEREheliosphere n. (Astronomy) The region of space where interstellar medium is blown away by solar wind; the boundary…
HELIOSPHERE n. the region in space influenced by the sun or solar wind.
HELISPHERIChelispheric adj. Spiral.
HELISPHERIC adj. pertaining to rhumb lines, loxodromic, also HELISPHERICAL.
HELLISHNESShellishness n. The property of being hellish.
HELLISHNESS n. the state of being hellish.
HETEROPHILSheterophils n. Plural of heterophil.
HETEROPHIL n. a polymorphonuclear leukocyte in humans that may be stained with dyes, also HETEROPHILE.
LITHOSPHERElithosphere n. (Geology) The rigid, mechanically strong, outer layer of the Earth; divided into twelve major plates.
LITHOSPHERE n. the solid outer portion of the Earth consisting of the crust and upper mantle, approximately 100 km (62 miles) thick.
OTHERWHILESotherwhiles adv. (Archaic) At another time, or other times.
otherwhiles adv. (Archaic) sometimes; occasionally.
OTHERWHILES adv. (archaic) at other times, sometimes, also OTHERWHILE.
SHELLFISHESshellfishes n. Plural of shellfish.
SHELLFISH n. a shelled aquatic invertebrate, esp. a mollusc or crustacean, or such animals collectively.
WHEELCHAIRSwheelchairs n. Plural of wheelchair.
WHEELCHAIR n. a chair mounted on wheels esp. for the use of disabled persons.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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