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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing 2E, G, M, 2N and U

ENCUMBERINGencumbering v. Present participle of encumber.
ENCUMBER v. to impede the motion of, also INCUMBER.
ENGOUEMENTSengouements n. Plural of engouement.
ENGOUEMENT n. (French) an excessive fondness, an infatuation, also ENGOUMENT.
ENGULFMENTSengulfments n. Plural of engulfment.
ENGULFMENT n. a swallowing up as if in a gulf, also INGULFMENT.
ENUMERATINGenumerating v. Present participle of enumerate.
ENUMERATE v. to count, also NUMERATE.
INTEGUMENTSinteguments n. Plural of integument.
INTEGUMENT n. an external covering or coating.
INTERREGNUMinterregnum n. The period of time between the end of a sovereign’s reign and the accession of another sovereign.
interregnum n. (Politics) A period of time during which normal executive leadership is suspended or interrupted.
interregnum n. An intermission in any order of succession; any breach of continuity in action or influence.
MANEUVERINGmaneuvering v. (US) present participle of maneuver.
maneuvering n. (US, gerund of maneuver) An act in which something or someone maneuvers.
MANEUVERING n. the act of performing a maneuver.
MONSEIGNEURmonseigneur n. (Archaic) An honorific form of address for an eminent person in France, especially under the Ancien Régime.
monseigneur n. (Archaic) (in particular) A title of the Dauphin of France.
Monseigneur n. Alternative letter-case form of monseigneur.
MULTIENGINEmultiengine adj. Having more than one engine.
multiengine n. An aircraft with more than one engine.
MULTIENGINE adj. having many engines, also MULTIENGINED.
MUTINEERINGmutineering v. Present participle of mutineer.
MUTINEER v. to revolt against constituted authority, also MUTINY, MUTINE.
RENUMBERINGrenumbering v. Present participle of renumber.
renumbering n. The act or process of assigning new numbers.
RENUMBER v. to number again.
ROENTGENIUMroentgenium n. A transuranic chemical element (symbol Rg) with atomic number 111.
ROENTGENIUM n. a short-lived radioactive element produced artificially.
UNAUGMENTEDunaugmented adj. Not augmented.
UNAUGMENTED adj. not augmented.
UNBESEEMINGunbeseeming v. Present participle of unbeseem.
unbeseeming adj. Unbecoming; not seemly.
UNBESEEM v. to misbecome.
UNGARMENTEDungarmented adj. Unclothed.
ungarmented v. Simple past tense and past participle of ungarment.
UNGARMENTED adj. not wearing garments.
UNHINGEMENTunhingement n. The act of unhinging, or the state of being unhinged.
UNHINGEMENT n. the state of being unhinged.
UNPIGMENTEDunpigmented adj. Not pigmented.
UNPIGMENTED adj. not pigmented.
UNSEGMENTEDunsegmented adj. Not segmented.
UNSEGMENTED adj. not segmented.
UNTEMPERINGuntempering v. Present participle of untemper.
UNTEMPER v. to destroy the temper of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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