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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing 2E, G, L, O, R and U

BEGLAMOUREDbeglamoured v. Simple past tense and past participle of beglamour.
BEGLAMOUR v. to impress with glamour, also BEGLAMOR.
BLUDGEONERSbludgeoners n. Plural of bludgeoner.
BLUDGEONER n. one who bludgeons.
DEREGULATORderegulator n. One who deregulates.
DEREGULATOR n. one who deregulates.
EGREGIOUSLYegregiously adv. Conspicuously badly (used negatively).
EGREGIOUS adv. conspicuously bad or offensive.
FLUEGELHORNfluegelhorn n. Alternative spelling of flugelhorn.
FLUEGELHORN n. (German) a bugle with valves, also FLUGELHORN.
GENOUILLEREgenouillère n. (Historical) A metal plate used as armour for the knee.
genouillère n. Part of a parapet lying between the gun platform and the bottom of an embrasure.
GENOUILLERE n. (French) a jointed kneepiece in armour.
GENUFLECTORgenuflector n. One who genuflects.
GENUFLECTOR n. one who genuflects.
GLOMERULATEglomerulate adj. Having glomeruli.
glomerulate v. To cause, or to undergo glomerulation.
GLOMERULATE adj. of a glomerule, a cluster of short-stalked flowers.
GLUCOMETERSglucometers n. Plural of glucometer.
GROTESQUELYgrotesquely adv. In a grotesque manner; disgustingly.
GROTESQUE adv. (French) extravagantly formed, fantastic; bizarre.
GUERRILLEROguerrillero n. A guerrilla fighter.
GUERRILLERO n. a guerrilla, someone who takes part in guerrilla warfare.
LOUNGECORESSorry, definition not available.
LOUNGEWEARSLOUNGEWEAR n. informal clothing designed to be worn at home.
NEUROLOGIESneurologies n. Plural of neurology.
NEUROLOGY n. the branch of science which treats of the nervous system.
OUTGENERALSoutgenerals v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outgeneral.
OUTGENERAL v. to surpass in terms of military command.
OVERINDULGEoverindulge v. (Transitive, intransitive) To indulge to excess.
over-indulge v. Alternative spelling of overindulge.
OVERINDULGE v. to indulge to excess.
RECATALOGUErecatalogue v. (Transitive) To catalogue again.
RECATALOGUE v. to catalogue again, also RECATALOG.
RELIGIOUSESreligiouses n. Plural of religious.
RELIGIOUS n. a person bound by monastic vows.
TRAVELOGUEStravelogues n. Plural of travelogue.
TRAVELOGUE n. a film, talk etc. on travel, also TRAVELOG.
ULCEROGENICulcerogenic adj. That causes ulcers.
ULCEROGENIC adj. tending to produce or develop into ulcers or ulceration.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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