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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing 2E, G, 2L, R and T

ALLEGRETTOSallegrettos n. Plural of allegretto.
ALLEGRETTO n. (Italian) a musical piece quicker than andante, but not so quick as allegro.
BELLIGERATIbelligerati n. Literary people, authors — literati — who promote wars of aggression.
BELLIGERATI n. members of the intelligentsia in favour of war.
BELLIGERENTbelligerent adj. Engaged in warfare, warring.
belligerent adj. Eager to go to war, warlike.
belligerent adj. Of or pertaining to war.
ELECTROLOGYelectrology n. (Dated) The branch of physical science that deals with electricity and its properties.
electrology n. The use of electrolysis to remove body hair.
ELECTROLOGY n. the study of electricity.
FORETELLINGforetelling v. Present participle of foretell.
foretelling n. Prediction.
FORETELL v. to tell about in advance.
GALLERYITESgalleryites n. Plural of galleryite.
GALLERYITE n. a person who frequents the gallery in the theatre.
GILLNETTERSgillnetters n. Plural of gillnetter.
GILLNETTER n. a fisherman who uses a gillnet.
GLOMERULATEglomerulate adj. Having glomeruli.
glomerulate v. To cause, or to undergo glomerulation.
GLOMERULATE adj. of a glomerule, a cluster of short-stalked flowers.
GRATEFULLERgratefuller adj. Comparative form of grateful: more grateful.
GRATEFUL adj. deeply thankful.
GRAVELLIESTGRAVELLY adj. of or like gravel.
HELLGRAMITEhellgramite n. The aquatic larval form of the dobsonfly, having a segmented body with legs on each segment, and a head…
hellgramite n. (Fishing) A lure designed to mimic a hellgramite.
HELLGRAMITE n. the large brown aquatic larva of the Dobson fly, also HELLGRAMMITE.
LEGISLATURElegislature n. A governmental body with the power to make, amend and repeal laws.
legislature n. (Canada) A legislative building.
LEGISLATURE n. a body of persons having the power to legislate.
LIMELIGHTERlimelighter n. A person who excessively seeks attention or tries to take credit for the accomplishments of others.
LIMELIGHTER n. something that produces limelight.
PRETZELLINGpretzelling v. Present participle of pretzel.
PRETZEL v. (German) to twist, bend or contort.
REFULGENTLYrefulgently adv. In a refulgent manner.
REFULGENT adv. radiant, brilliant, shining.
REGRETFULLYregretfully adv. In a regretful manner, with regret.
regretfully adv. (Proscribed) Unfortunately, in a manner inspiring or deserving regret; used only as a sentence adverb…
REGRETFUL adv. full of regret.
RELEGATABLERELEGATABLE adj. that can be relegated, also RELEGABLE.
STALLENGERSSTALLENGER n. (historical) a keeper of a stall; a person who paid for the privilege of trading in a burgh of which he was not a freeman, also STALLINGER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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