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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing 2E, G, 2L and 2N

EMPANELLINGempanelling v. Present participle of empanel.
EMPANEL v. to select a jury from a list, also IMPANEL, IMPANNEL.
ENAMELLINGSenamellings n. Plural of enamelling.
ENAMELLING n. the act of coating with enamel.
GENERALLINGgeneralling v. Present participle of general.
GENERAL v. to act as a military officer.
GENTIANELLAgentianella n. (Botany) Any of the genus Gentianella of dwarf gentians.
Gentianella prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Gentianaceae – the dwarf gentian.
GENTIANELLA n. a name for several species of gentian, esp. Gentiana acaulis, with deep-blue flowers.
GENTLEMANLYgentlemanly adj. Of, being, pertaining to, or resembling a gentleman or gentlemen.
gentlemanly adv. In the manner or with the behavior of a gentleman; with social grace, politely.
GENTLEMANLY adj. like a gentleman.
HELLENISINGhellenising v. Present participle of hellenise.
Hellenising v. Present participle of Hellenise.
HELLENISE v. to use the Greek language; to play the Greek, also HELLENIZE.
HELLENIZINGHellenizing v. Present participle of Hellenize.
HELLENIZE v. to use the Greek language; to play the Greek; to Grecize, also HELLENISE.
INELEGANTLYinelegantly adv. In an inelegant manner.
INELEGANT adv. not elegant.
INTELLIGENTintelligent adj. Of high or especially quick cognitive capacity, bright.
intelligent adj. Well thought-out, well considered.
intelligent adj. Characterized by thoughtful interaction.
NEGLIGENTLYnegligently adv. In a negligent manner: carelessly or inattentively.
NEGLIGENT adv. careless.
NONCOLLEGESnoncolleges n. Plural of noncollege.
REENROLLINGreenrolling v. Present participle of reenroll.
REENROLL v. to enroll again.
REPANELLINGrepanelling v. Present participle of repanel.
REPANEL v. to panel again.
UNFEELINGLYunfeelingly adv. In an unfeeling manner; without concern or regard for feelings.
UNFEELING adv. not feeling.
UNGENTEELLYungenteelly adv. In a way that is not genteel.
UNGENTEEL adv. not genteel.
UNLEVELLINGunlevelling v. Present participle of unlevel.
UNLEVEL v. to make uneven or no longer level.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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