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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing 2E, G, I, 2M and N

CENTIGRAMMEcentigramme n. Alternative spelling of centigram.
CENTIGRAMME n. 1/100th of a gramme, also CENTIGRAM.
EMBLEMISINGemblemising v. Present participle of emblemise.
EMBLEMISE v. to represent by or as if by an emblem, also EMBLEMIZE.
EMBLEMIZINGemblemizing v. Present participle of emblemize.
EMBLEMIZE v. to represent by or as if by an emblem, also EMBLEMISE.
EMMENAGOGICemmenagogic adj. Stimulating blood flow in the pelvic area and uterus, causing menstruation.
EMMENAGOGIC adj. relating to an emmenagogue, a drug aiding menstrual flow.
GEMMINESSESGEMMINESS n. the state of being gemmy, full of gems.
GENTILHOMMEGENTILHOMME n. (French) a nobleman, a gentleman.
GOMBEENISMSGOMBEENISM n. the state of being a gombeen.
GUMMINESSESgumminesses n. Plural of gumminess.
GUMMINESS n. the state of being gummy.
HEGEMONISMShegemonisms n. Plural of hegemonism.
HEGEMONISM n. the state of being a hegemony.
IMMERGENCESimmergences n. Plural of immergence.
IMMERGENCE n. immersion.
IMPINGEMENTimpingement n. The act of impinging.
IMPINGEMENT n. the act of impinging.
LEMMINGLIKElemminglike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a lemming, especially in having a propensity to follow blindly after a leader.
LEMMINGLIKE adj. like a lemming.
MESMERISINGmesmerising v. Present participle of mesmerise.
MESMERISE v. to hypnotize, spellbind, also MESMERIZE.
MESMERIZINGmesmerizing v. Present participle of mesmerize.
mesmerizing adj. Exercising mesmerism on; spellbinding; enthralling.
MESMERIZE v. to hypnotize, spellbind, also MESMERISE.
MINGLEMENTSminglements n. Plural of minglement.
MINGLEMENT n. the act of mingling, or the state of being mixed.
MISDEEMINGSmisdeemings n. Plural of misdeeming.
MISDEEMING n. the act of misdeeming.
MISSEEMINGSMISSEEMING n. (Spenser) a false appearance.
REHAMMERINGrehammering v. Present participle of rehammer.
REHAMMER v. to hammer again.
REIMMERSINGreimmersing v. Present participle of reimmerse.
REIMMERSE v. to immerse again.
REMEMBERINGremembering v. Present participle of remember.
remembering n. The act by which something is remembered.
re-membering v. Present participle of re-member.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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