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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing 2E, 2G, 2N and S

ENGAGEMENTSengagements n. Plural of engagement.
ENGAGEMENT n. an arrangement to meet or be present at a specified time and place.
ENSILAGEINGENSILAGE v. to store in a silo, also ENSILE.
GEGENSCHEINgegenschein n. (Astronomy) A faint brightening of the night sky in the region of the ecliptic directly opposite the Sun.
GEGENSCHEIN n. (German) a faint oval patch of light directly opposite the sun in the night sky, caused by reflection of sunlight by dust particles.
GENDERISINGgenderising v. Present participle of genderise.
GENDERISE v. to make distinctions according to gender, also GENDERIZE.
GYNOGENESESGYNOGENESIS n. reproduction in which a sperm penetrates an ovum but their nuclei do not fuse, and the embryo develops with maternal chromosomes only.
GYNOGENESISgynogenesis n. (Biology) Female parthenogenesis in which the embryo contains only maternal chromosomes due to the failure…
GYNOGENESIS n. reproduction in which a sperm penetrates an ovum but their nuclei do not fuse, and the embryo develops with maternal chromosomes only.
LEGENDISINGlegendising v. Present participle of legendise.
LEGENDISE v. to make into a legend, also LEGENDIZE.
MANGEMANGESMANGEMANGE n. (Maori) a climbing fern of the North Island of New Zealand.
NEGLIGENCESnegligences n. Plural of negligence.
NEGLIGENCE n. the state of being negligent.
REDESIGNINGredesigning v. Present participle of redesign.
REDESIGN v. to design again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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