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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing 2E, 2G, L and 2N

ENLARGENINGenlargening v. Present participle of enlargen.
ENLARGEN v. (Spenser) to make larger, also ENLARGE.
ENSILAGEINGENSILAGE v. to store in a silo, also ENSILE.
GENERALLINGgeneralling v. Present participle of general.
GENERAL v. to act as a military officer.
LEGENDISINGlegendising v. Present participle of legendise.
LEGENDISE v. to make into a legend, also LEGENDIZE.
LEGENDIZINGlegendizing v. Present participle of legendize.
LEGENDIZE v. to make into a legend, also LEGENDISE.
LENGTHENINGlengthening n. The process of making or growing longer.
lengthening n. (Phonology) a type of sound change when a sound (especially a vowel) lengthens.
lengthening v. Present participle of lengthen.
NEGLIGENCESnegligences n. Plural of negligence.
NEGLIGENCE n. the state of being negligent.
NEGLIGENTLYnegligently adv. In a negligent manner: carelessly or inattentively.
NEGLIGENT adv. careless.
REENLARGINGreenlarging v. Present participle of reenlarge.
re-enlarging v. Present participle of re-enlarge.
REENLARGE v. to enlarge again.
REVENGINGLYrevengingly adv. In a revenging manner.
REVENGING adv. vengeful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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