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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing 2E, 2G, 2I and R

BEFINGERINGbefingering v. Present participle of befinger.
BEFINGER v. to touch all over.
DISAGREEINGdisagreeing v. Present participle of disagree.
disagreeing n. Disagreement.
DISAGREE v. to differ in opinion.
EARWIGGIESTEARWIGGY adj. full of earwigs.
ENGINEERINGengineering v. Present participle of engineer.
engineering n. (Uncountable) The application of mathematics and the physical sciences to the needs of humanity and…
engineering n. The area aboard a ship where the engine is located.
FILAGREEINGfilagreeing v. Present participle of filagree.
FILAGREE v. (French) to adorn with intricate ornamental work, also FILIGRAIN, FILIGRANE, FILIGREE, FILLAGREE.
FILIGREEINGfiligreeing v. Present participle of filigree.
FILIGREE v. (French) to adorn with intricate ornamental work, also FILAGREE, FILLAGREE.
GENDERISINGgenderising v. Present participle of genderise.
GENDERISE v. to make distinctions according to gender, also GENDERIZE.
GENDERIZINGgenderizing v. Present participle of genderize.
GENDERIZE v. to make distinctions according to gender, also GENDERISE.
GRATINEEINGgratineeing v. Present participle of gratinee.
gratinéeing v. Present participle of gratinée.
GRATINEE v. (French) to cook or serve au gratin.
PREWEIGHINGPREWEIGH v. to weigh beforehand.
REBEGINNINGrebeginning v. Present participle of rebegin.
rebeginning n. Act of beginning again; a new start.
REBEGIN v. to begin again.
REDESIGNINGredesigning v. Present participle of redesign.
REDESIGN v. to design again.
REDIGESTINGredigesting v. Present participle of redigest.
REDIGEST v. to digest again.
REGIMENTINGregimenting v. Present participle of regiment.
REGIMENT v. to form into military units.
REGISTERINGregistering v. Present participle of register.
REGISTER v. to record officially.
REJIGGERINGrejiggering v. Present participle of rejigger.
REJIGGER v. to fix something up in a different fashion, also REJIG.
SEIGNIORAGEseigniorage n. (Historical) All the revenue obtained by a feudal lord from his vassals.
seigniorage n. (Money) The revenue obtained directly by minting coin (difference between face value and cost of metal).
seigniorage n. (Finance) The revenue obtained by the difference between interest earned on securities acquired in exchange…
WEIGHBRIDGEweighbridge n. (UK) a platform, flush with the roadway, having a mechanism for weighing vehicles, wagons, livestock, etc.
WEIGHBRIDGE n. a machine for weighing vehicles with their loads.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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