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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing 2E, F, N, R and 2T

COUNTERFECTCOUNTERFECT adj. (Spenser) counterfeit, made in imitation.
COUNTERFEITcounterfeit adj. False, especially of money; intended to deceive or carry appearance of being genuine.
counterfeit adj. Inauthentic.
counterfeit adj. Assuming the appearance of something; deceitful; hypocritical.
ENFETTERINGenfettering v. Present participle of enfetter.
ENFETTER v. (Shakespeare) to bind with chains or shackles.
ENGRAFTMENTengraftment n. The act of engrafting, or something engrafted.
ENGRAFTMENT n. the act of engrafting.
FENESTRATEDfenestrated adj. (Architecture) Having windows.
fenestrated adj. (Botany) Having perforations through the leaves or fistulate/hollow/tubular stems/trunks.
fenestrated v. (Surgery) simple past tense and past participle of fenestrate.
FENESTRATESfenestrates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fenestrate.
fenestrates n. Plural of fenestrate.
FENESTRATE v. to equip with windows.
FETOPROTEINfetoprotein n. (Biochemistry) Any of several antigens produced in a developing embryo, of which the most common is alpha-fetoprotein.
FETOPROTEIN n. any of several fetal antigens present in the adult in some abnormal conditions.
FLUSTERMENTflusterment n. The condition of being flustered.
FLUSTERMENT n. the state of being flustered.
FOURTEENTHSfourteenths n. Plural of fourteenth.
FOURTEENTH n. a fourteenth part.
FRAGMENTATEfragmentate v. To fragment (break into fragments).
FRAGMENTATE v. to reduce to fragments.
FREEWRITTENfreewritten v. Past participle of freewrite.
FREEWRITE v. to write freely without stopping or thinking.
FREQUENTESTfrequentest adj. (Rare) superlative form of frequent: most frequent.
FREQUENT adj. occurring often.
INTERFLUENTinterfluent adj. (Rare or dated, of multiple wavelike objects or figuratively) flowing into one another.
INTERFLUENT adj. flowing between or together, also INTERFLUOUS.
METRIFONATEmetrifonate n. An irreversible organophosphate acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, used as an insecticide and to treat schistosomiasis.
METRIFONATE n. an organophosphorus insecticide, aka trichlorfon.
TENDERFOOTStenderfoots n. Plural of tenderfoot.
TENDERFOOT n. a newcomer in a comparatively rough or newly settled region.
THENCEFORTHthenceforth adv. From that time on.
THENCEFORTH adv. from that time forward.
TRANSFECTEDtransfected v. Simple past tense and past participle of transfect.
transfected adj. Infected with nucleic acid.
TRANSFECT v. to cause transfection in, the infection of a cell with pure viral nucleic acid.
UNFETTERINGunfettering v. Present participle of unfetter.
UNFETTER v. to free from fetters.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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