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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing 3E, 2S, T and V

ASSEVERATEDasseverated v. Simple past tense and past participle of asseverate.
ASSEVERATE v. to state positively, emphatically, also ASSEVER.
ASSEVERATESasseverates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of asseverate.
ASSEVERATE v. to state positively, emphatically, also ASSEVER.
DEVOTEDNESSdevotedness n. State of being devoted.
DEVOTEDNESS n. the state of being devoted.
EMOTIVENESSemotiveness n. The condition of being emotive.
EMOTIVENESS n. the state of being emotive.
EVISCERATESeviscerates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of eviscerate.
EVISCERATE v. to deprive of the viscera, or entrails, also VISCERATE.
FERVENTNESSferventness n. The quality of being fervent.
FERVENTNESS n. the quality of being fervent.
FESTIVENESSfestiveness n. The quality of being festive; festivity.
FESTIVENESS n. the state of being festive.
OVERTNESSESOVERTNESS n. the state of being overt.
PRESENTIVESPRESENTIVE n. a word that presents an object to the mind.
RESTIVENESSrestiveness n. The characteristic of being restive.
RESTIVENESS n. the state of being restive.
SEVENTIETHSseventieths n. Plural of seventieth.
SEVENTIETH n. a seventieth part of.
SEVERALTIESseveralties n. Plural of severalty.
SEVERALTY n. separateness; separate ownership of property.
SHIRTSLEEVEshirtsleeve n. Alternative form of shirt sleeve.
shirt-sleeve adj. Having an informal, relaxed appearance or approach, particularly in business.
shirt-sleeve n. Alternative form of shirt sleeve.
THEIRSELVEStheirselves pron. (Nonstandard) Alternative form of themselves.
THEIRSELVES pron. (dialect) themselves.
TIMESERVERStimeservers n. Plural of timeserver.
time-servers n. Plural of time-server.
TIMESERVER n. a person who cynically or servilely suits his or her opinions to the times or those in authority for the time.
VARLETESSESvarletesses n. Plural of varletess.
VARLETESS n. a female varlet.
VELVETINESSvelvetiness n. Quality of being velvety.
VELVETINESS n. the state of being velvety.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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