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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing 3E, R and 3T

BETTERMENTSbetterments n. Plural of betterment.
BETTERMENT n. a making or becoming better.
BITTERSWEETbittersweet adj. Both bitter and sweet.
bittersweet adj. Expressing contrasting emotions of pain and pleasure.
bittersweet adj. Of bittersweet color.
CURETTEMENTcurettement n. The use of a curette; curettage.
CURETTEMENT n. the act of curetting.
ENTREATMENTentreatment n. (Obsolete) entreaty; invitation.
ENTREATMENT n. the act of entreating.
FEATURETTESfeaturettes n. Plural of featurette.
FEATURETTE n. a brief feature, esp. a short documentary film dealing with an aspect of the making of a feature film and included on a DVD of the feature film.
LEATHERETTEleatherette n. (Countable, uncountable, also attributively) A type of fabric, often plastic, made to imitate the appearance…
leatherette n. (Countable, slang) A person who dresses in leather or imitation leather.
LEATHERETTE n. (tradename) imitation leather.
REATTEMPTEDreattempted v. Simple past tense and past participle of reattempt.
REATTEMPT v. to attempt again.
RESTATEMENTrestatement n. The act of restating.
restatement n. A second or subsequent statement.
Restatement n. (Law) Any of several treatises published by the American Law Institute in which a group of legal scholars…
TEETOTALERSteetotalers n. Plural of teetotaler.
TEETOTALER n. one who does not drink alcohol, also TEETOTALIST, TEETOTALLER.
TEETOTALLERteetotaller n. (British spelling) Standard spelling of teetotaler.
TEETOTALLER n. one who does not drink alcohol, also TEETOTALER, TEETOTALIST.
TELLURETTEDtelluretted adj. Alternative form of tellureted.
TELLURETTED adj. combined with tellurium.
TERRACETTESterracettes n. Plural of terracette.
TERRACETTE n. a small terrace on a slope resulting from soil creep or erosion; a sheeptrack.
TETRAMETERStetrameters n. Plural of tetrameter.
TETRAMETER n. a line of verse of four measures.
TRENDSETTERtrendsetter n. Someone who starts a trend, or makes one more popular.
TRENDSETTER n. one that sets a trend.
TRESTLETREEtrestletree n. (Nautical) One of two strong bars of timber, fixed horizontally on the opposite sides of the masthead…
trestle␣tree n. A structure attached to a mast to support the top and the heel of a topmast.
TRESTLETREE n. either of a pair of fore-and-aft timbers fixed horizontally on opposite sides of a lower masthead to support an upper mast.
TYPESETTERStypesetters n. Plural of typesetter.
TYPESETTER n. one whose job is to set type.
ULSTERETTESulsterettes n. Plural of ulsterette.
ULSTERETTE n. a light ulster.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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