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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 11 eleven-letter words containing 3E, O, P, S and U

COMPUTERESEcomputerese n. (Informal, dated) The jargon associated with computers.
COMPUTERESE n. the jargon used by people who deal with computers.
CREEPMOUSESCREEPMOUSE n. an informal tickling game played with small children.
EPROUVETTESeprouvettes n. Plural of eprouvette.
EPROUVETTE n. (French) an apparatus for testing or proving the strength of gunpowder.
HOUSEKEEPERhousekeeper n. (Now rare) Someone who owns a house as a place of residence; a householder.
housekeeper n. Someone (traditionally a woman) employed to look after the home, typically by managing domestic servants…
housekeeper n. Someone who manages the running of a home, traditionally the female head of the household.
MOUSEPIECESMOUSEPIECE n. (dialect) part of a hindleg of beef, next to the round.
PEDETENTOUSpedetentous adj. (Obsolete) Proceeding step by step; advancing cautiously.
PEDETENTOUS adj. proceeding slowly.
PETROLEUSESPETROLEUSE n. (French) a female petroleur, one who makes use of petroleum for incendiary purposes.
REEXPOSURESreexposures n. Plural of reexposure.
REEXPOSURE n. a new exposure.
SUPERHEROESsuperheroes n. Plural of superhero.
SUPERHERO n. any of various comic-book heroes with supernormal or superhuman powers.
SUPERPEOPLEsuperpeople n. Plural of superperson.
SUPERPERSON n. a very remarkable person.
UNDEREXPOSEunderexpose v. (Photography) To take a photograph using too small an exposure.
underexpose v. To provide with insufficient publicity.
underexpose adj. (Photography) The condition when a photograph is darker than it should be because the film was not exposed…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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