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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing 3E, M, N, O and U

DENOUEMENTSdenouements n. Plural of denouement.
dénouements n. Plural of dénouement.
DENOUEMENT n. (French) the final resolution of the plot of a story or a complex sequence of events.
EBOULEMENTSéboulements n. Plural of éboulement.
EBOULEMENT n. (French) the falling in of the wall of a fortification; a landslip.
EMMENAGOGUEemmenagogue n. (Medicine) An herb that stimulates blood flow in the pelvic area and uterus, causing menstruation.
EMMENAGOGUE n. a drug aiding menstrual flow.
ENGOUEMENTSengouements n. Plural of engouement.
ENGOUEMENT n. (French) an excessive fondness, an infatuation, also ENGOUMENT.
ENOUNCEMENTenouncement n. Act of enouncing; that which is enounced.
ENOUNCEMENT n. the act of enouncing.
EUDAEMONIESEUDAEMONY n. (Greek) happiness or wellbeing.
HEGUMENOSESHEGUMENOS n. (Greek) the head of a monastery, also HEGUMEN.
LEUCAEMOGENLEUCAEMOGEN n. a substance that encourages the development of leukaemia, also LEUKAEMOGEN, LEUKEMOGEN.
LEUKAEMOGENLEUKAEMOGEN n. a substance or agent which promotes the development of leukaemia, also LEUCAEMOGEN, LEUKEMOGEN.
LEUKEMOGENSLEUKEMOGEN n. a substance or agent which promotes the development of leukaemia, also LEUCAEMOGEN, LEUKAEMOGEN.
MANOEUVEREDmanoeuvered v. Simple past tense and past participle of manoeuver.
manœuvered v. (UK) Obsolete spelling of maneuvered.
MANOEUVER v. to execute a contrived, complicated, and possibly deceptive plan or action, also MANEUVER, MANOEUVRE.
REFOULEMENTrefoulement n. (International law, uncountable) Rendition of a person to an area (chiefly their country of origin)…
refoulement n. (Archaic, uncountable) The forced relocation of a group of people; (countable) an instance of this.
REFOULEMENT n. the act of forcing a refugee to return to a place from which he or she is seeking asylum.
VENTURESOMEventuresome adj. Bold; willing to take risks; adventurous.
venturesome adj. Potentially hazardous; risky.
VENTURESOME adj. involving risk.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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