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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 9 eleven-letter words containing 3E, M, N and 2O

ECOMOVEMENTECOMOVEMENT n. an organized movement to deal with environmental issues, reduce emissions, etc.
ECONOMETERSECONOMETER n. a device in a car that informs the driver of how much fuel they are consuming.
ENCOMENDEROENCOMENDERO n. the commander of an encomienda.
HOMOGENESESHOMOGENESIS n. a mode of reproduction in which the offspring is like the parent, and passes through the same cycle of existence.
MONOGENESESmonogeneses n. Plural of monogenesis.
MONOGENESIS n. the development of an offspring from a parent like itself.
MONOTERPENEmonoterpene n. (Organic chemistry) Any terpene formed from two isoprene units, and having ten carbon atoms; either…
MONOTERPENE n. any of a class of terpenes containing two isoprene units per molecule.
MONOTHELETEMonothelete n. (Christianity, historical) Someone who believed Christ had two natures (human and divine), but one single…
Monothelete adj. (Christianity, historical) Pertaining to such a belief.
MONOTHELETE n. a believer in Monotheletism.
NONEMPLOYEEnonemployee n. One who is not an employee.
NONEMPLOYEE n. one who is not an employee.
TELEONOMIESteleonomies n. Plural of teleonomy.
TELEONOMY n. the property of living systems of being organized towards the attainment of ends without true purposiveness.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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