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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing 3E, L, M and 2N

CLEMENTINESclementines n. Plural of clementine.
CLEMENTINE n. (French) a hybrid of orange and tangerine.
EMPANELMENTempanelment n. Alternative form of impanelment.
EMPANELMENT n. the act of empanelling.
ENABLEMENTSenablements n. Plural of enablement.
ENABLEMENT n. the act of enabling.
ENLACEMENTSenlacements n. Plural of enlacement.
ENLACEMENT n. the act of enlacing, or state of being enlaced.
ENLARGEMENTenlargement n. An act or instance of making something larger.
enlargement n. (Figuratively) A making more obvious or serious; exacerbation.
enlargement n. An image, particularly a photograph, that has been enlarged.
ENLEVEMENTSenlevements n. Plural of enlevement.
ENLEVEMENT n. (obsolete) in Scots law, the abduction of a woman or child.
ENLIVENMENTenlivenment n. The act of enlivening; animation.
ENLIVENMENT n. the act of enlivening.
ENNOBLEMENTennoblement n. (Uncountable) The state of being noble.
ennoblement n. (Countable) The act of ennobling or something which ennobles.
ENNOBLEMENT n. the act of ennobling, esp. as involving the granting of a coat-of-arms.
ENSLAVEMENTenslavement n. The act of enslaving or the state of being a slave; bondage.
ENSLAVEMENT n. the state of being enslaved.
ENTABLEMENTentablement n. (Architecture) entablature.
ENTABLEMENT n. the platform of a pedestal, supporting a statue.
ENTITLEMENTentitlement n. The right to have something, whether actual or perceived.
entitlement n. Power, authority to do something.
entitlement n. Something that one is entitled to.
ENVELOPMENTenvelopment n. The act of enveloping.
envelopment n. That which envelops; a covering.
envelopment n. (Military) An offensive action in which an attacking force moves over or around the enemy and attacks…
GELSEMININEGELSEMININE n. an alkaloid yielded by the gelsemium rhizome and rootlets.
GENTLEWOMENgentlewomen n. Plural of gentlewoman.
GENTLEWOMAN n. a woman of good breeding and refinement, a lady.
MENINGOCELEmeningocele n. (Pathology) A form of spina bifida in which a meningeal sac of cerebrospinal fluid protrudes through the skull.
MENINGOCELE n. protrusion of the meninges through the skull.
MONEYLENDERmoneylender n. A person who lends money and charges interest, especially one who is not part of the official financial industry.
MONEYLENDER n. one whose business is lending money.
NEEDLEWOMANneedlewoman n. A woman who works with a needle; a female embroiderer, sewer, etc.
NEEDLEWOMAN n. a woman who does needlework.
NEEDLEWOMENneedlewomen n. Plural of needlewoman.
NEEDLEWOMAN n. a woman who does needlework.
NONEMPLOYEEnonemployee n. One who is not an employee.
NONEMPLOYEE n. one who is not an employee.
RELENTMENTSrelentments n. Plural of relentment.
RELENTMENT n. the act of relenting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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