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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing 3E, I, M, R and V

DECEMVIRATEdecemvirate n. A group of ten people, especially (politics) a council of ten men sharing office or power and particularly…
DECEMVIRATE n. the office of decemvir.
DELIVERYMENdeliverymen n. Plural of deliveryman.
delivery␣men n. Plural of delivery man.
DELIVERYMAN n. a person who delivers wholesale or retail goods to customers usually over a regular local route.
DEMIVIERGESDEMIVIERGE n. a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual activity but retains her virginity.
DEPRIVEMENTdeprivement n. Deprivation.
DEPRIVEMENT n. the act of depriving.
DIVERGEMENTdivergement n. (Archaic) divergence.
DIVERGEMENT n. the act of diverging.
ENUMERATIVEenumerative adj. Of, pertaining to or based on enumeration.
ENUMERATIVE adj. serving to enumerate.
ENVERMEILEDenvermeiled v. Simple past tense and past participle of envermeil.
ENVERMEIL v. (Milton) to color with, or as with, vermilion.
MERVEILLEUXmerveilleux n. (Historical) Contemporary names for an extravagantly dressed French fop or ‘fine lady’ of the period…
Merveilleux n. Alternative letter-case form of merveilleux.
MERVEILLEUX n. (French) a fashion extremist.
MISBELIEVERmisbeliever n. Someone who holds a bad or wrong belief; a heretic, an unbeliever.
MISBELIEVER n. one who misbelieves.
MISPERCEIVEmisperceive v. To perceive erroneously.
MISPERCEIVE v. to perceive wrongly.
OVERMERRIEROVERMERRY adj. excessively merry.
OVERTEEMINGoverteeming v. Present participle of overteem.
OVERTEEM v. to produce in excess.
PELVIMETERSpelvimeters n. Plural of pelvimeter.
PELVIMETER n. an instrument for measuring the pelvis.
PREMEDIEVALpremedieval adj. Before the Middle Ages.
PREMEDIEVAL adj. taking place before the mediaeval period.
REVILEMENTSrevilements n. Plural of revilement.
REVILEMENT n. the act of reviling.
REVIVEMENTSrevivements n. Plural of revivement.
REVIVEMENT n. the act of reviving.
TEMPERATIVEtemperative adj. Having the power to temper something.
TEMPERATIVE adj. having a moderating influence.
TERREMOTIVETERREMOTIVE adj. related to an earthquake.
TIMESERVERStimeservers n. Plural of timeserver.
time-servers n. Plural of time-server.
TIMESERVER n. a person who cynically or servilely suits his or her opinions to the times or those in authority for the time.
VELOCIMETERvelocimeter n. A device used to measure the velocity of something, such as an object or a wave.
VELOCIMETER n. an instrument for measuring velocity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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