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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing 3E, H, 2L and R

BELLWETHERSbellwethers n. Plural of bellwether.
BELLWETHER n. the leading sheep of a flock; fig, a ringleader, a trendsetter.
CHANTERELLEchanterelle n. (Mycology) A widely distributed edible mushroom, Cantharellus cibarius, being yellow and trumpet-shaped;…
chanterelle n. (Music) The highest string of the violin or similar instrument.
CHANTERELLE n. (French) a kind of fungus, also CHANTARELLE.
CHEERFULLERcheerfuller adj. Comparative form of cheerful: more cheerful.
CHEERFUL adj. in good spirits.
CHEERLESSLYcheerlessly adv. In a cheerless manner.
CHEERLESS adv. without cheer, gloomy.
EMBELLISHERembellisher n. A person who embellishes.
embellisher n. A machine or device used to embellish.
EMBELLISHER n. one who embellishes.
EPHEMERALLYephemerally adv. In an ephemeral manner.
ephemerally adv. Regarding ephemera.
EPHEMERAL adv. existing only for a day, or short period.
HELLBENDERShellbenders n. Plural of hellbender.
HELLBENDER n. a large North American aquatic salamander.
HELLEBORINEhelleborine n. Any of a number of species of orchid of the genera Epipactis and Cephalanthera.
Helleborine prop.n. (Obsolete) A taxonomic genus within the family Orchidaceae – a formerly recognized genus of flowering…
HELLEBORINE n. a kind of orchid.
LEASEHOLDERleaseholder n. A person who is tenant by holding a lease; a lessee.
LEASEHOLDER n. one who holds a lease.
LEATHERLEAFleatherleaf n. Alternative spelling of leather leaf.
leather␣leaf n. A shrub (Chamaedaphne calyculata) found in the cool temperate and subarctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere.
LEATHERLEAF n. an ericaceous bog shrub with coriaceous leaves.
LEATHERLIKEleatherlike adj. Resembling leather.
LEATHERLIKE adj. like leather.
RAKEHELLIERRAKEHELLY adj. like a rakehell, dissolute.
RECHALLENGErechallenge v. To challenge again.
rechallenge v. To challenge in return.
rechallenge v. (Medicine, pharmacology) To try a therapeutic pharmaceutical drug, suspected allergen, or medical treatment…
SHELTERBELTshelterbelt n. A row of trees that acts as a windbreak.
shelter␣belt n. Alternative form of shelterbelt.
SHELTERBELT n. a row of trees providing shelter from the wind.
SHELTERLESSshelterless adj. Lacking shelter; homeless.
SHELTERLESS adj. without shelter.
TELPHERLINETELPHERLINE n. a line bearing a telpher.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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