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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing 4E, M, P and R

DESTEMPEREDDESTEMPER v. (obsolete) to distemper, in the paint sense, also DISTEMPER.
EPHEMERIDESephemerides n. Plural of ephemeris.
ephemerides n. (Plural taken as singular) An ephemeris.
EPHEMERIS n. (Greek) a table giving the positions of celestial bodies at different times.
ESTREPEMENTestrepement n. (Law) A destructive kind of waste committed by a tenant for life, in lands, woods, or houses.
ESTREPEMENT n. the act of estreping.
GAMEKEEPERSgamekeepers n. Plural of gamekeeper.
GAMEKEEPER n. a person in charge of the breeding and protection of game animals or birds on a private preserve.
HEMITERPENEhemiterpene n. (Organic chemistry) any terpene formed from a single isoprene unit, and having five carbon atoms.
HEMITERPENE n. any of a class of simple unsaturated hydrocarbons, such as isoprene.
HYPEREMESEShyperemeses n. Plural of hyperemesis.
HYPEREMESIS n. excessive vomiting.
MINESWEEPERminesweeper n. A vehicle, device or person with the purpose of removing explosive mines (landmines or water mines).
minesweeper n. (Uncountable, computing, video games) A logic-based computer game in which the player has to discover…
MINESWEEPER n. a ship used to clear mines.
PERMEAMETERpermeameter n. (Geology) A device used to measure the permeability of a fluid (e.g., water) through a porous material.
permeameter n. (Physics) An instrument used to measure the electromagnetic permeability of a material.
PERMEAMETER n. instrument for measuring permeability.
PREEMERGENTpreemergent adj. (Of a herbicide) Preventing the germination of seeds by inhibiting an important enzyme.
PREEMERGENT adj. used or occurring before the emergence of seedlings above the ground.
PREEMINENCEpreeminence n. The status of being preeminent, dominant or ascendant.
preeminence n. High importance; superiority.
preëminence n. Rare spelling of preeminence.
PREEXEMPTEDPREEXEMPT v. to exempt beforehand.
SPEEDOMETERspeedometer n. An instrument located within the dashboard of a vehicle that measures and indicates the current speed of the vehicle.
speedometer n. Such a device incorporating an odometer.
SPEEDOMETER n. an instrument for measuring speed.
TIMEKEEPERStimekeepers n. Plural of timekeeper.
time-keepers n. Plural of time-keeper.
TIMEKEEPER n. a timepiece.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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