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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing E, 2O, 3R and T

BIOTERRORSBIOTERROR n. use of biological weapons by terrorists.
BRIERROOTSBRIERROOT n. the root of a briar, also BRIARROOT.
CORRECTORScorrectors n. Plural of corrector.
CORRECTOR n. one who corrects.
CORRECTORYcorrectory adj. (Archaic) Containing or making correction; corrective.
CORRECTORY adj. containing or making correction.
CORRELATORcorrelator n. That which correlates or causes correlation.
correlator n. (Statistics, quantum mechanics) A correlation function.
correlator n. (Optics, signal processing) A type of device used to compare two signals.
OVERREPORToverreport v. (Transitive) To report too much or too often.
OVERREPORT v. to report to excess.
PERFORATORperforator n. A tool or machine that makes holes, or perforates, materials such as paper and card.
perforator n. A machine that can bore a tunnel underground.
perforator n. (Anatomy) A perforating artery or vein.
PERORATORSPERORATOR n. one who perorates.
PROCREATORprocreator n. One who procreates; a father or mother.
procreator n. (Figuratively) One who originates or creates something.
PROCREATOR n. one who procreates.
PROPRAETORpropraetor n. A magistrate of ancient Rome who governed a province after serving as a praetor in Rome.
proprætor n. Alternative spelling of propraetor.
PROPRAETOR n. a magistrate of ancient Rome who, after acting as praetor, was appointed to the governor of a province, also PROPRETOR.
PROPRETORSpropretors n. Plural of propretor.
PROPRETOR n. a magistrate of ancient Rome who, after acting as praetor, was appointed to the governor of a province, also PROPRAETOR.
PROPRIETORproprietor n. An owner.
proprietor n. A sole owner of an unincorporated business, also called a sole proprietor.
proprietor n. One of the owners of an unincorporated business, a partner.
PRORECTORSprorectors n. Plural of prorector.
PRORECTOR n. an officer who presides over the academic senate of a German university.
REPROBATORreprobator n. (Scotland, law, historical) An old form of action to prove a witness to be perjured or biased.
REPROBATOR n. (Scots) in Scots law, an action to prove a witness perjured or biased.
RETROCHOIRretrochoir n. (Architecture) Any extension of a church behind the high altar, such as a chapel.
retrochoir n. (Architecture) In an apsidal church, all the space beyond the line of the back or eastern face of the altar.
RETROCHOIR n. the part of a cathedral or large church behind the high altar.
ROOTSERVERROOTSERVER n. a computer that acts as the main server for a whole service.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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