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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing E, 2O, P, 2R and U

COLPORTEURcolporteur n. A peddler of publications, especially of religious books.
COLPORTEUR n. (French) a peddler of religious books.
COPRODUCERcoproducer n. Any of a group of producers who work together on a coproduction.
co-producer n. Alternative form of coproducer.
COPRODUCER n. one who coproduces.
ERIOPHORUMEriophorum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Cyperaceae – cottongrass, found in acidic bogs, especially in the Arctic.
ERIOPHORUM n. a plant of the cotton-grass genus.
NEUROSPORANeurospora prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Sordariaceae – ascomycete fungi with characteristic striations on…
NEUROSPORA n. any of a genus of ascomycetous fungi, used extensively in genetic research.
OUTPERFORMoutperform v. To perform better than something or someone.
OUTPERFORM v. to exceed in performance.
OUTPORTERSOUTPORTER n. (Canadian) an inhabitant or native of a Newfoundland outport.
OUTPOURERSoutpourers n. Plural of outpourer.
OUTPOURER n. one who pours out.
OUTROOPERSOUTROOPER n. (obsolete) an auctioneer; the Common Crier of the City, also OUTROPER.
PORIFEROUSporiferous adj. Having pores.
poriferous adj. Of or related to the Porifera.
PORIFEROUS adj. having pores.
PORRACEOUSporraceous adj. (Originally medicine now rare) Resembling the leek in colour; greenish.
PORRACEOUS adj. leek-green.
POURBOIRESpourboires n. Plural of pourboire.
POURBOIRE n. (French) a tip, gratuity.
PROFOUNDERprofounder adj. Comparative form of profound: more profound.
PROFOUND adj. very deep.
PRONOUNCERpronouncer n. Agent noun of pronounce; one who pronounces.
pronouncer n. The official who gives out words to be spelled at a spelling bee and answers questions about their definition…
PRONOUNCER n. one who pronounces.
PROPOUNDERpropounder n. One who propounds.
PROPOUNDER n. one who propounds.
PROSECUTORprosecutor n. (Law) a prosecuting attorney.
prosecutor n. (Law) a person, as a complainant, victim, or chief witness, who institutes prosecution in a criminal proceeding.
PROSECUTOR n. a person who institutes an official prosecution before a court.
PROSPEROUSprosperous adj. Characterized by success.
prosperous adj. Well off; affluent.
prosperous adj. Favorable.
REPOUSSOIRrepoussoir n. (Art) The use of an object such as a curtain extremely close up to the picture plane in a painting…
REPOUSSOIR n. (French) a figure or object in the foreground of a painted etc. composition intended to draw the viewer's eye in.
SEROGROUPSserogroups n. Plural of serogroup.
SEROGROUP n. any group of bacteria or other microorganisms that have a certain antigen in common.
UNDERPROOFunderproof adj. Having a lower alcohol content than proof spirit.
underproof v. (Baking) To proof insufficiently.
UNDERPROOF adj. containing less alcohol than proof spirit.
UREDOSPOREuredospore n. (Botany) The thin-walled summer spore produced during the uredo stage of certain rusts.
UREDOSPORE n. the thin-walled summer spore which is produced during the so-called Uredo stage of certain rusts, also UREDINIOSPORE, UREDIOSPORE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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