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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing E, N, P, S, 2T and U

INTERRUPTSinterrupts n. Plural of interrupt.
interrupts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of interrupt.
INTERRUPT v. to break in between.
PANTSUITEDpantsuited adj. Wearing a pantsuit.
PANTSUITED adj. wearing a pantsuit.
PORTENTOUSportentous adj. Of momentous or ominous significance.
portentous adj. Ominously prophetic.
portentous adj. Puffed up with vanity.
POTHUNTERSpothunters n. Plural of pothunter.
POTHUNTER n. someone who hunts for the pot; someone who competes merely to get trophies.
PREATTUNESPREATTUNE v. to attune in advance.
PUNCTUATESpunctuates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of punctuate.
PUNCTUATE v. to mark with points; to mark a piece of writing with commas, full stops etc.
PUTRESCENTputrescent adj. Becoming putrid; putrefying.
PUTRESCENT adj. becoming putrid or rotten.
PUTTANESCAputtanesca n. A cooking sauce made from tomato flavoured with garlic, anchovies, capers and olives, created in Naples.
puttanesca adj. (Usually postpositive) Served with puttanesca sauce.
SPUTTERINGsputtering v. Present participle of sputter.
sputtering n. A noise that sputters.
sputtering n. The ejection of atoms from the surface of a solid or liquid following bombardment with ions, atoms or…
SUNSPOTTEDSUNSPOTTED adj. showing sunspots.
THEOPNEUSTtheopneust adj. Inspired or possessed by a god.
THEOPNEUST adj. divinely inspired, also THEOPNEUSTIC.
TRANSPUTERtransputer n. (Computing) A single chip with CPU, memory and communications capability, used in grids to form parallel…
TRANSPUTER n. a special computer chip able to process in parallel rather than sequentially.
TURNIPIESTTURNIPY adj. like a turnip.
UMPTEENTHSUMPTEENTH n. an indefinitely large number in a sequence, also UMPTIETH, UMTEENTH.
UNISEPTATEuniseptate adj. Having a single septum.
UNISEPTATE adj. having only one partition or septum, a uniseptate fruit.
UPSETTINGSupsettings n. Plural of upsetting.
UPSETTING n. overturning, overthrow.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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