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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing E, N, O, R, T, U and V

COVERMOUNTcovermount n. A freebie, such as a compact disc, mounted on the cover of a magazine.
covermount v. (Transitive) To give away; to release for free, attached to the cover of a magazine.
COVERMOUNT v. to attach an item to the front of a magazine as a gift.
DEVOURMENTdevourment n. The act of devouring something.
DEVOURMENT n. the act of devouring.
OUTSERVINGoutserving v. Present participle of outserve.
OUTSERVE v. to surpass in serving.
OUTSTRIVENOUTSTRIVE v. to surpass in striving.
OVERCOUNTSovercounts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overcount.
OVERCOUNT v. to rate too high; to outnumber.
OVERHUNTEDoverhunted v. Simple past tense and past participle of overhunt.
OVERHUNT v. to deplete game in an area.
OVERMOUNTSovermounts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overmount.
overmounts n. Plural of overmount.
OVERMOUNT v. to rise above.
OVERSTRUNGoverstrung adj. Excessively tense or nervous.
overstrung adj. Strung too tightly.
OVERSTRUNG adj. too highly strung.
OVERTURINGoverturing v. Present participle of overture.
OVERTURE v. to put forward as an overture.
OVERTURNEDoverturned v. Simple past tense and past participle of overturn.
OVERTURN v. to turn over.
OVERTURNERoverturner n. One who, or that which, overturns.
OVERTURNER n. one who overturns.
REVOLUTIONrevolution n. A political upheaval in a government or state characterized by great change.
revolution n. The removal and replacement of a government, especially by sudden violent action.
revolution n. Rotation: the turning of an object around an axis, one complete turn of an object during rotation.
UNDERVOTESundervotes n. Plural of undervote.
UNDERVOTE n. a vote cast but invalid.
UNFAVORITEunfavorite adj. (Informal) Not preferred; in particular, especially disliked.
unfavorite n. (Informal) Something that is not a favourite; particularly something that is especially disliked.
unfavorite v. (Internet, transitive) To remove from one’s list of favorites.
VENTRICOUSventricous adj. Alternative form of ventricose.
VENTRICOUS adj. distended or swollen in the middle, also VENTRICOSE.
VETTURINOSvetturinos n. Plural of vetturino.
VETTURINO n. (Italian) one who lets or drives a vettura.
VOLUNTEERSvolunteers n. Plural of volunteer.
VOLUNTEER v. to offer one's services.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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