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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing E, N, O, 2R, T and Y

ANTERIORLYanteriorly adv. Before (in time).
anteriorly adv. In front (in position).
anteriorly adv. Towards the anterior.
ANTRORSELYantrorsely adv. (Biology) In an antrorse fashion.
ANTRORSELY adv. turned forward or upward.
COPARTNERYcopartnery n. The state of being copartners in any undertaking.
COPARTNERY n. the state of being copartners in any undertaking.
COUNTERCRYcountercry n. A cry raised in opposition to another.
COUNTERCRY n. a cry set up in opposition.
EFFRONTERYeffrontery n. (Uncountable) Insolent and shameless audacity.
effrontery n. (Countable) An act of insolent and shameless audacity.
EFFRONTERY n. shameless boldness; presumptuousness.
ERYTHROSINerythrosin n. (Chemistry) A red substance formed by the oxidation of tyrosin.
erythrosin n. (Chemistry) A red dyestuff obtained from fluorescein by the action of iodine.
ERYTHROSIN n. a red substance formed by the oxidation of tyrosine, also ERYTHROSINE.
INTERIORLYinteriorly adv. In the interior part; internally; inwardly.
INTERIOR adv. internal.
INTRORSELYintrorsely adv. In an introrse manner.
INTRORSE adv. turned or facing inward.
NECROLATRYnecrolatry n. The practice of worshipping or revering the dead.
NECROLATRY n. worship of the dead.
PYRRHOTINEpyrrhotine n. (Mineralogy) pyrrhotite.
PYRRHOTINE n. magnetic pyrites, an iron sulphide, often containing nickel, also PYRRHOTITE.
ROYSTERINGroystering v. Present participle of royster.
roystering n. Obsolete form of roistering.
ROYSTER v. to revel noisily, carouse, also ROIST, ROISTER, ROYST.
TORREFYINGtorrefying v. Present participle of torrefy.
TORREFY v. to subject to intense heat, also TORRIFY.
TOURNEYERStourneyers n. Plural of tourneyer.
TOURNEYER n. one who takes part in a tourney.
UNDERSTORYunderstory n. The layer of plants that grow in the shade of the canopy of a forest.
UNDERSTORY n. the smaller trees and bushes forming a lower level beneath the forest canopy, also UNDERSTOREY.
URANOMETRYuranometry n. (Astronomy, uncountable) The measurement of the constellations.
uranometry n. (Astronomy, countable) A chart or catalogue of fixed stars, especially of stars visible to the naked eye.
URANOMETRY n. a chart or catalogue of fixed stars, esp. of stars visible to the naked eye.
YESTERMORNyestermorn adv. (Now rare, archaic) During the morning of yesterday; yesterday morning.
yestermorn n. (Now rare, archaic) The morning of yesterday.
YESTERMORN n. yesterday morning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 53 words
  • Scrabble in French: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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