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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing E, N, 3O, P and R

GONOPHORESgonophores n. Plural of gonophore.
GONOPHORE n. in certain flowers, an elongate structure bearing the stamens and pistil.
IONOPHORESionophores n. Plural of ionophore.
IONOPHORE n. a chemical compound able to combine with an ion and enable it to pass through a cell membrane.
MONOPTEROImonopteroi n. Plural of monopteros.
MONOPTEROS n. a building with single ring of columns supporting a roof.
MONOPTERONmonopteron n. (Architecture) A circular temple consisting of a roof supported on columns, without a cella.
MONOPTERON n. a circular temple with one ring of columns.
MONOPTEROSmonopteros n. (Architecture) A classical temple made up of one circle of columns supporting a roof.
MONOPTEROS n. a building with single ring of columns supporting a roof.
ORPHEOREONorpheoreon n. Alternative form of orpharion.
ORPHEOREON n. a large lute-like stringed instrument with six to nine metal strings, also ORPHARION.
ORTHOPNOEAorthopnoea n. Shortness of breath when lying flat, causing the person to have to sleep propped up in bed or sitting in a chair.
orthopnœa n. Obsolete spelling of orthopnoea.
ORTHOPNOEA n. the ability to breathe in an upright position only.
PERSONHOODpersonhood n. The state or period of being a person.
personhood n. The status of being considered as a person.
PERSONHOOD n. being a person.
PHONOPHOREphonophore n. The phonetic component of a character in Chinese and related writing systems.
phonophore n. A type of telegraph.
PHONOPHORE n. a sound-conducting apparatus, of various kinds; a device for telephoning and telegraphing simultaneously by the same wire.
PHONOPORESphonopores n. Plural of phonopore.
PHONOPORE n. a kind of sound-conducting apparatus.
PONEROLOGYponerology n. The study of evil.
PONEROLOGY n. the theological doctrine of wickedness or evil.
PONTOONERSpontooners n. Plural of pontooner.
PONTOONER n. a builder of pontoon bridges, also PONTONEER, PONTONIER, PONTONNIER.
POULTROONEPOULTROONE n. (Shakespeare) a poltroon, also POLTROON.
PROPODEONSPROPODEON n. in some Hymenoptera, the first abdominal segment, also PROPODEUM.
PROVOLONESprovolones n. Plural of provolone.
PROVOLONE n. (Italian) a firm pliant smoked cheese of Italian origin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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