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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing E, 2N, 2O and 2T

CONNOTATEDconnotated v. Simple past tense and past participle of connotate.
CONNOTATE v. to connote; to suggest or designate (something) as additional.
CONNOTATESconnotates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of connotate.
CONNOTATE v. to connote; to suggest or designate (something) as additional.
CONTENTIONcontention n. Argument, contest, debate, strife, struggle.
contention n. A point maintained in an argument, or a line of argument taken in its support; the subject matter of…
contention n. (Computing, telecommunications) Competition by parts of a system or its users for a limited resource.
CORNETTINOcornettino n. (Music) The descant instrument of the cornetto family.
CORNETTINO n. an instrument of the cornet family.
DENOTATIONdenotation n. The act of denoting, or something (such as a symbol) that denotes.
denotation n. (Logic, linguistics, semiotics) The primary, surface, literal, or explicit meaning of a signifier such…
denotation n. (Philosophy, logic) The intension and extension of a word.
DETONATIONdetonation n. (Chemistry) An explosion or sudden report made by the near-instantaneous decomposition or combustion…
detonation n. (Mechanical engineering) Engine knocking, a type of improper combustion in gasoline piston engines.
DETONATION n. the act of detonating.
NOTONECTALNOTONECTAL adj. swimming on the back.
OBTENTIONSobtentions n. Plural of obtention.
OBTENTION n. the act of obtending.
OMNIPOTENTomnipotent adj. Having unlimited power, force or authority.
omnipotent adj. (Biology) Describing a cell (especially a stem cell) that is capable of developing into any type of…
omnipotent n. An omnipotent being.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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