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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing E, 3N, 2O and S

BANDONEONSbandoneons n. Plural of bandoneon.
BANDONEON n. a kind of button accordion popular in South America, also BANDOLEON, BANDONION.
CONNEXIONSconnexions n. Plural of connexion.
CONNEXION n. the act of connecting, also CONNECTION.
CONSENSIONconsension n. (Archaic) agreement; accord.
CONSENSION n. agreement; accord.
CONSONANCEconsonance n. (Prosody) The repetition of consonant sounds, but not vowels as in assonance.
consonance n. (Chiefly music) Harmony; agreement; lack of discordance.
CONSONANCE n. a state of accord or agreement, also CONSONANCY.
NANOSECONDnanosecond n. A measure of time equal to one billionth of a second. Abbreviation: ns.
NANOSECOND n. a billionth of a second.
NEONOMIANSNeonomians n. Plural of Neonomian.
NEONOMIAN n. one who advocates adherence to new laws; esp. one who holds or believes that the gospel is a new law.
NONHISTONEnonhistone adj. Not derived or obtained from a histone.
nonhistone n. A chemical compound that is not a histone.
NONHISTONE adj. denoting a substance that is not a histone.
NONJOINERSnonjoiners n. Plural of nonjoiner.
NONJOINER n. one who does not join.
NONMODERNSnonmoderns n. Plural of nonmodern.
NONMODERN n. one who is not modern.
NONOBSCENEnonobscene adj. Not obscene.
NONOBSCENE adj. not obscene.
NONPERSONSnonpersons n. Plural of nonperson.
NONPERSON n. someone without the rights of a person.
NONSOLVENTnonsolvent adj. Insolvent.
nonsolvent n. An insolvent person.
nonsolvent n. (Chemistry) A liquid that is not a (very good) solvent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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