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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing E, L, P, 3S and T

PASTELISTSpastelists n. Plural of pastelist.
PASTELIST n. an artist who works in pastel, also PASTELLIST.
POLITESSESpolitesses n. Plural of politesse.
POLITESSE n. (French) courteous formality, politeness.
POSSIBLESTpossiblest adj. (Nonstandard) superlative form of possible: most possible.
POSSIBLE adj. that can be done.
SCULPTRESSsculptress n. (Dated) A female sculptor.
SCULPTRESS n. a woman who is a sculptor.
SIDESPLITSsidesplits n. Plural of sidesplit.
side-splits n. Plural of side-split.
SIDESPLIT n. a split-level house having floors raised half a level on one side thus having an upper and lower basement and an upper and lower main floor.
SIMPLISTESSIMPLISTE n. (French) someone who tends to oversimplify.
SLEEPSUITSsleepsuits n. Plural of sleepsuit.
SLEEPSUIT n. a baby's all-in-one garment for sleeping in.
SLIMPSIESTslimpsiest adj. Superlative form of slimpsy: most slimpsy.
SLIMPSY adj. flimsy, also SLIMSY.
SLIPSHEETSslipsheets n. Plural of slipsheet.
slip␣sheets n. Plural of slip sheet.
SLIPSHEET n. a sheet of paper that is interleaved between freshly pressed sheets.
SPILOSITESspilosites n. Plural of spilosite.
SPILOSITE n. a spotted slate, formed by contact metamorphism.
SPIRITLESSspiritless adj. Lacking energy, drive, motivation or emotion. Enervated.
SPIRITLESS adj. lacking animation or courage.
SPLASHIESTsplashiest adj. Superlative form of splashy: most splashy.
SPLASHY adj. given to splashing.
SPOTLESSLYspotlessly adv. In a spotless manner.
SPOTLESS adv. perfectly clean.
STEPSTOOLSstepstools n. Plural of stepstool.
step␣stools n. Plural of step stool.
STEPSTOOL n. a stool able to be used as a step.
STRIPELESSstripeless adj. Without stripes.
STRIPELESS adj. without a stripe.
STYLOPISESSTYLOPISE v. to paralyse a host, also STYLOPIZE.
SUPERSALTSsupersalts n. Plural of supersalt.
SUPERSALT n. an acid salt.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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