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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing E, L, O, 2R, T and U

COLORATUREcolorature n. (Music) An elaborate melody, particularly in vocal music and especially in operatic singing of the 18th…
COLORATURE n. a highly ornamented, virtuoso (musical passage); a singer, esp. soprano, of such music, also COLORATURA.
COLPORTEURcolporteur n. A peddler of publications, especially of religious books.
COLPORTEUR n. (French) a peddler of religious books.
COURTIERLYcourtierly adj. Befitting a courtier.
COURTIERLY adj. like a courtier.
ELUTRIATORelutriator n. A simple device used for elutriation.
ELUTRIATOR n. an apparatus for elutriating.
IRRESOLUTEirresolute adj. Undecided or unsure how to act.
irresolute adj. Indecisive or lacking in resolution.
IRRESOLUTE adj. uncertain how to act or proceed.
OVERBRUTALoverbrutal adj. Excessively brutal.
OVERBRUTAL adj. excessively brutal.
PETROLEURSpetroleurs n. Plural of petroleur.
PETROLEUR n. (French) a rioter who uses petroleum, as in the Paris uprising of 1871.
POULTERERSpoulterers n. Plural of poulterer.
POULTERER n. a dealer in dead fowls and game, also POULTER.
PROTRUSILEprotrusile adj. Capable of being protruded.
PROTRUSILE adj. that can be protruded, also PROTRUDABLE, PROTRUSIBLE.
REGULATORSregulators n. Plural of regulator.
REGULATOR n. one who regulates.
REGULATORYregulatory adj. Of or pertaining to regulation.
REGULATORY adj. relating to the act of regulation.
TORTUREDLYtorturedly adv. In a tortured manner.
TORTURED adv. TORTURE, to subject to severe physical pain.
ULTERIORLYulteriorly adv. In an ulterior manner.
ULTERIOR adv. (Latin) of e.g. a motive, beyond what is stated or apparent.
UNRELENTORunrelentor n. (Poetic, archaic, rare) One who does not relent.
UNRELENTOR n. (Keats) someone who does not relent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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