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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing E, L, O, P, S and 2U

CORPUSCULEcorpuscule n. Obsolete form of corpuscle.
CORPUSCULE n. a cell or other minute body suspended in fluid, esp. a red or white cell in the blood, also CORPUSCLE.
IMPLEXUOUSIMPLEXUOUS adj. not simple; involved; complicated.
OPERCULUMSOPERCULUM n. (Latin) an anatomical part that serves as a lid or cover, also OPERCELE, OPERCULE.
PEDICULOUSpediculous adj. Alternative form of pedicular.
PEDICULOUS adj. infested with lice, lousy.
PERICULOUSpericulous adj. Dangerous, hazardous, perilous.
PERICULOUS adj. (obsolete) dangerous, also PARLOUS, PERILOUS, PERLOUS.
PLUNDEROUSplunderous adj. Tending to plunder.
PLUNDEROUS adj. of or like plunder.
PRELUDIOUSpreludious adj. (Archaic) preludial.
PRELUDIOUS adj. of or pertaining to a prelude, also PRELUDIAL.
PRONUCLEUSpronucleus n. Either of the two haploid nuclei (of a sperm and ovum) that fuse during fertilization.
PRONUCLEUS n. the nucleus of a germ-cell after meiosis and before fertilization.
PSEUDOBULBpseudobulb n. A storage organ in orchids, derived from the part of a stem between two leaf nodes.
PSEUDOBULB n. a swollen stem internode in some orchids.
PUBERULOUSpuberulous adj. Puberulent.
PUBERULOUS adj. feebly or minutely pubescent; covered with minute down, also PUBERULENT.
PULTACEOUSpultaceous adj. Macerated; softened; nearly fluid.
PULTACEOUS adj. macerated and softened.
PURPOSEFULpurposeful adj. Having purpose; intentional.
purposeful adj. Having a purpose in mind; resolute; determined.
PURPOSEFUL adj. showing purpose.
SUBOCTUPLEsuboctuple adj. (Obsolete) Containing one part of eight; in the ratio of one to eight.
SUBOCTUPLE adj. containing one part of eight; having the ratio of one to eight.
UNCOUPLERSuncouplers n. Plural of uncoupler.
UNCOUPLER n. a device for uncoupling.
UNPERILOUSunperilous adj. Not perilous.
UNPERILOUS adj. not perilous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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