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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing E, L, 2O, 2P and S

COLPOSCOPEcolposcope n. A form of endoscope used to examine the tissues of the vagina and cervix.
COLPOSCOPE n. an instrument for viewing the neck of the uterus.
OPPOSELESSopposeless adj. Not to be effectually opposed; irresistible.
OPPOSELESS adj. (Shakespeare) not to be opposed; irresistible.
OPPOSITELYoppositely adv. In an opposite manner.
OPPOSITE adv. radically different from another in some related way.
OUTPEOPLESOUTPEOPLE v. to rid a country of its people.
PHILOSOPHEphilosophe n. Any of the leading philosophers or intellectuals of the 18th-century French Enlightenment.
philosophe n. (Derogatory) An incompetent philosopher; a philosophaster.
PHILOSOPHE n. (French) a philosopher.
POLYPHONESpolyphones n. Plural of polyphone.
POLYPHONE n. a character or vocal sign representing more than one sound, as read, which is pronounced red, also POLYPHON.
POLYPODIESpolypodies n. Plural of polypody.
POLYPODY n. a fern with creeping rootstocks.
POMPELMOUSpompelmous n. (Obsolete) Alternative form of pampelmoes: a pomelo; a grapefruit.
PROPELLORSpropellors n. Plural of propellor.
PROPELLOR n. someone who, or something which, propels, also PROPELLER.
PROPOLISESPROPOLIS n. (Greek) a resinous substance used as a cement by bees.
PROPOSABLEproposable adj. Capable of being proposed.
PROPOSABLE adj. that can be proposed.
PSEPHOLOGYpsephology n. The predictive or statistical study of elections.
psephology n. An ancient Greek method of numerology, similar to gematria.
PSEPHOLOGY n. the study of political elections.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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