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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing E, L, N, P, S, T and Y

INTERPLAYSinterplays n. Plural of interplay.
INTERPLAY v. to exert mutual influence.
LINOTYPERSlinotypers n. Plural of linotyper.
LINOTYPER n. one who sets type using linotype.
NYCTALOPESnyctalopes n. Plural of nyctalops.
NYCTALOPS n. (Greek) one afflicted with nyctalopia, the condition of seeing poorly at night or in partial darkness, while the day sight is normal; erroneously, the opposite condition.
NYMPHLIESTNYMPHLY adj. resembling, or characteristic of, a nymph.
PENTASTYLEpentastyle n. (Architecture) A portico with five columns.
PENTASTYLE n. a building or portico with five columns.
PENTYLENESPENTYLENE n. an unsaturated hydrocarbon of the olefine series, also PENTENE.
PERSONALTYpersonalty n. (Law) Any property that is movable; that is, not real estate.
personalty n. (Law) The property that goes to the executor or administrator of the deceased, as distinguished from…
personalty n. The state of being a person; personality.
PLEASANTLYpleasantly adv. In a pleasant manner; so as to achieve a pleasant result.
pleasantly adv. (Degree) Lightly.
pleasantly adv. (Obsolete) Ludicrously.
PLEASANTRYpleasantry n. (Sometimes proscribed) A casual, courteous remark.
pleasantry n. A playful remark; a jest.
pleasantry n. (Dated) Anything that promotes pleasure or merriment.
POLYGENISTpolygenist n. One who maintains that animals of the same species are descended from more than one original pair.
POLYGENIST n. one who maintains that animals of the same species have sprung from more than one original pair.
POLYSEMANTpolysemant n. A word or phrase with more than one meaning.
POLYSEMANT n. a word with many meanings.
POLYTENIESPOLYTENY n. in abnormally large chromosomes, the state of being composed of many reduplicated strands.
POLYTHENESpolythenes n. Plural of polythene.
POLYTHENE n. a generic name for certain thermoplastics, polymers of ethylene, also POLYETHYLENE.
PRISTINELYpristinely adv. In a way that is pristine.
PRISTINE adv. original, pure, unspoilt.
PYCNOSTYLEpycnostyle adj. (Architecture) Having an intercolumniation of 1.5 times the diameter of the shaft of a column.
pycnostyle n. (Architecture) A colonnade of this kind.
PYCNOSTYLE adj. with close-set columns, one and a half diameters apart.
SPINSTERLYspinsterly adj. Of or relating to a spinster or spinsterhood.
STAPHYLINEstaphyline adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the uvula or the palate.
STAPHYLINE adj. like a bunch of grapes.
STYLOPHONEstylophone n. (Music) A small synthesizer operated using a stylus.
STYLOPHONE n. a type of battery-powered electronic instrument played with a steel-tipped pen-like stylus.
SUPPLYMENTsupplyment n. (Obsolete) The act of supplying.
SUPPLYMENT n. (Shakespeare) a supplying or furnishing.
UNPRIESTLYunpriestly adj. Not priestly.
UNPRIESTLY adj. not like a priest.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 44 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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