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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing E, 2L, M, O, R and T

ALLOMETRICallometric adj. Of or pertaining to allometry.
allometric adj. (Mathematics, of a population) That grows at a rate proportional to a power of another population.
ALLOMETRIC adj. relating to allometry, the study of growth of a part of an organism in relation to the whole.
ENROLLMENTenrollment n. The act of enrolling or the state of being enrolled.
enrollment n. The people enrolled, considered as a group.
enrollment n. The number of people enrolled.
IMMORTELLEimmortelle n. Any of various papery flowers, often dried and used as decoration.
immortelle n. Any of various trees of the genus Erythrina.
IMMORTELLE n. (French) a plant with flowers that retain their color when dried.
LUMISTEROLlumisterol n. Constituent of vitamin D1.
LUMISTEROL n. a steroid compound.
MARTELLATOmartellato adj. (Music) Strongly accented, or hammered out; used of notes played on bowed string instruments, handbells, or the piano.
MARTELLATO n. (Italian) (in string playing) the practice of bowing the string with a succession of short sharp blows.
MELLOTRONSmellotrons n. Plural of mellotron.
MELLOTRON n. (tradename) an electronic keyboard instrument programmed to produce the tape-recorder sounds of orchestral instruments.
METOPROLOLmetoprolol n. (Pharmacology) A beta-blocking drug related to propranolol, used to treat hypertension and angina.
MORTADELLAmortadella n. A smooth-textured Italian pork sausage with lumps of fat, flavoured with spices; eaten cold.
MORTADELLA n. (Italian) Italian pork sausage.
MORTADELLEMORTADELLA n. (Italian) Italian pork sausage.
ROSTELLUMSrostellums n. Plural of rostellum.
ROSTELLUM n. (Latin) the protruding forepart of the head of a tapeworm, armed with hooklets or spines.
STEAMROLLSsteamrolls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of steamroll.
STEAMROLL v. to crush with a steamroller.
STELLIFORMstelliform adj. Shaped like a star.
STELLIFORM adj. shaped like a star.
TEMPORALLYtemporally adv. In a temporal manner.
TEMPORAL adv. related to time.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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