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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing E, I, O, S, 2T and Y

AUTOTYPIESautotypies n. Plural of autotypy.
AUTOTYPY n. a photographic printing process.
BOTRYTISEDSorry, definition not available.
BOTRYTISESbotrytises n. Plural of botrytis.
BOTRYTIS n. a genus of fungi which cause plant diseases.
BYTOWNITESbytownites n. Plural of bytownite.
BYTOWNITE n. a plagioclase intermediate between anorthite and labradorite.
HESITATORYhesitatory adj. Hesitating.
HESITATORY adj. hesitating.
HISTIOCYTEhistiocyte n. (Biology) a macrophage, derived from bone marrow, found in connective tissue.
HISTIOCYTE n. a macrophage.
HYLOTHEISThylotheist n. A proponent of hylotheism.
HYLOTHEIST n. one who identifies God with matter or universe.
LITEROSITYliterosity n. The quality of being literose.
LITEROSITY n. the quality of being literose.
LITHOTYPESlithotypes n. Plural of lithotype.
LITHOTYPE n. an etched stone surface for printing a design in relief; an imprint made from it.
POLYTHEISTpolytheist n. A believer in, or advocate of, polytheism.
POLYTHEIST n. an adherent of polytheism.
PROTENSITYprotensity n. Synonym of protension.
PROTENSITY n. (archaic) duration, extension in time.
STATIONERYstationery n. Writing materials, envelopes, office materials.
stationery adj. Misspelling of stationary.
STATIONERY n. materials (as paper, pens, and ink) for writing or typing.
STENOTYPICstenotypic adj. Alternative form of stenotypical.
STENOTYPIC adj. relating to a stenotype.
STORYTIMESstorytimes n. Plural of storytime.
STORYTIME n. a time set aside for the telling of stories.
STYLOLITESstylolites n. Plural of stylolite.
STYLOLITE n. an irregular suture-like boundary creating columnar formations in some limestones and evaporites.
TINKERTOYSTINKERTOY n. (tradename) a child's construction set.
TUBEROSITYtuberosity n. (Uncountable) The condition of being tuberous.
tuberosity n. (Countable, anatomy) A rounded protuberance, at the end of a bone, to which a muscle or tendon is attached.
TUBEROSITY n. the state of being tuberous.
VITREOSITYvitreosity n. The quality or degree of being vitreous.
VITREOSITY n. the state of being vitreous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 57 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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