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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing E, I, O, R, T, U and Y

AUDIOMETRYaudiometry n. (Medicine) The quantitative assessment of a person’s hearing ability, especially by means of an audiometer.
AUDIOMETRY n. the measurement of the acuity of hearing.
COURTIERLYcourtierly adj. Befitting a courtier.
COURTIERLY adj. like a courtier.
EUCARYOTICeucaryotic adj. Alternative spelling of eukaryotic.
EUCARYOTIC adj. of or like a eucaryote, an organism whose cells have a eukaryon, a highly organised nucleus, also EUKARYOTIC.
EUDIOMETRYeudiometry n. (Chemistry, now chiefly historical) The art or process of determining the constituents of a gaseous…
EUDIOMETRY n. measurement by use of a eudiometer, an apparatus for gas analysis.
EUKARYOTICeukaryotic adj. (Biology) Having complex cells in which the genetic material is organized into membrane-bound nuclei.
eukaryotic adj. (Biology) Of or pertaining to a eukaryote.
eukaryotic n. Such a cell or organism.
EUTHYROIDSeuthyroids n. Plural of euthyroid.
EUTHYROID n. someone with normal thyroid function.
MYSTERIOUSmysterious adj. Of unknown origin.
mysterious adj. Having unknown qualities.
mysterious adj. Difficult to understand.
NUMEROSITYnumerosity n. (Uncountable) The condition of being numerous.
numerosity n. (Countable) The extent to which something is numerous.
numerosity n. (Obsolete) Harmonious flow.
PYROLUSITEpyrolusite n. (Mineralogy) A dark coloured mineral, consisting of manganese dioxide (MnO2), that is an important ore…
PYROLUSITE n. native manganese dioxide, a black or dark-grey tetragonal mineral with a metallic lustre.
TOURNEYINGtourneying v. Present participle of tourney.
TOURNEY v. to compete in a tournament.
TUBEROSITYtuberosity n. (Uncountable) The condition of being tuberous.
tuberosity n. (Countable, anatomy) A rounded protuberance, at the end of a bone, to which a muscle or tendon is attached.
TUBEROSITY n. the state of being tuberous.
TUTOYERINGtutoyering v. Present participle of tutoyer.
TUTOYER v. (French) to address familiarly.
ULTERIORLYulteriorly adv. In an ulterior manner.
ULTERIOR adv. (Latin) of e.g. a motive, beyond what is stated or apparent.
VITREOUSLYvitreously adv. In a vitreous manner.
VITREOUS adv. glassy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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