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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing E, I, N, S, T, U and Y

CURTSEYINGcurtseying v. Present participle of curtsey.
curtseying n. The act of dropping a curtsey.
CURTSEY v. to bow politely, also CURTSY.
ESURIENTLYesuriently adv. In an esurient manner.
ESURIENT adv. hungry, greedy.
INSECURITYinsecurity n. A lack of security; uncertainty.
insecurity n. The state of being subject to danger; vulnerability.
INSECURITY n. the state of being insecure.
KLENDUSITYklendusity n. (Botany) resistance to infection.
KLENDUSITY n. of a plant, the ability to withstand disease due to some protective mechanism.
NEBULOSITYnebulosity n. (Meteorology, astronomy) The characteristic of being nebulous; cloudiness (measured in octas).
NEBULOSITY n. the state of being nebulous, also NEBULOUSNESS.
NUMEROSITYnumerosity n. (Uncountable) The condition of being numerous.
numerosity n. (Countable) The extent to which something is numerous.
numerosity n. (Obsolete) Harmonious flow.
QUESTINGLYquestingly adv. So as to quest; with curiosity, desire to search, etc.
QUESTING adv. searching.
RESTUDYINGrestudying v. Present participle of restudy.
RESTUDY v. to study again.
SEMINUDITYseminudity n. The state of being seminude, or scantily dressed.
SEMINUDITY n. being partially nude.
SENSUALITYsensuality n. (Uncountable) The state of being sensual, sensuous or sexy.
sensuality n. (Countable) A preoccupation with sensual pleasure.
SENSUALITY n. the state of being sensual.
SENSUOSITYsensuosity n. Sensuousness.
SENSUOSITY n. the state of being sensuous.
STUPEFYINGstupefying v. Present participle of stupefy.
stupefying adj. That causes stupefaction.
STUPEFY v. to dull the senses of.
SUZERAINTYsuzerainty n. A relation between states in which a subservient nation has its own government, but is unable to take…
suzerainty n. The status or power of a suzerain.
SUZERAINTY n. the dominion or authority of a suzerain.
TIMENOGUYStimenoguys n. Plural of timenoguy.
TIMENOGUY n. a rope stretched from place to place on a ship; a makeshift.
UNIVERSITYuniversity n. Institution of higher education (typically accepting students from the age of about 17 or 18, depending…
UNIVERSITY n. an institution of higher learning providing facilities for teaching and research and authorized to grant academic degrees.
UNPRIESTLYunpriestly adj. Not priestly.
UNPRIESTLY adj. not like a priest.
UNSISTERLYunsisterly adj. Not sisterly; not befitting a sister.
UNSISTERLY adj. not sisterly.
UNSTEADILYunsteadily adv. In an unsteady manner, so as to shake or falter.
unsteadily adv. In an uncertain manner; with hesitation or timidity.
UNSTEADY adv. not steady.
UPPITYNESSuppityness n. Alternative form of uppitiness.
UPPITYNESS n. the state of being uppity, also UPPITINESS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 50 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 20 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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