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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing E, I, N, 2O, S and V

COINVESTORcoinvestor n. One who makes a joint investment.
COINVESTOR n. a joint investor.
CONVERSIONconversion n. The act of converting something or someone.
conversion n. (Computing) A software product converted from one platform to another.
conversion n. (Chemistry) A chemical reaction wherein a substrate is transformed into a product.
EVOCATIONSevocations n. Plural of evocation.
EVOCATION n. the act of calling out or forth.
EVOLUTIONSevolutions n. Plural of evolution.
EVOLUTION n. the cumulative change in the genetic composition of a population of an organism over succeeding generations.
GROOVINESSgrooviness n. The quality or state of being groovy.
GROOVINESS n. the state of being groovy.
HOOVERINGSHOOVERING n. the act of using a hoover.
ISOFLAVONEisoflavone n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of polyphenolic phytoestrogens found in soybeans and similar plants…
ISOFLAVONE n. a plant oestrogen, found esp. in soy beans, having possible nutritional benefits.
NOVOCAINESnovocaines n. Plural of novocaine.
NOVOCAINE n. (tradename) a proprietary name for cocaine, as a dental anaesthetic.
OBVENTIONSobventions n. Plural of obvention.
OBVENTION n. (obsolete) any incidental occurrence or advantage.
OBVERSIONSobversions n. Plural of obversion.
OBVERSION n. the act of turning toward or downward.
OMNIVORIESOMNIVORY n. a practice of eating both animal and vegetable foods.
OVERDOSINGoverdosing v. Present participle of overdose.
overdosing n. An excessively large dose.
OVERDOSE v. to give an excessive dose to.
OVERGOINGSovergoings n. Plural of overgoing.
OVERGOING n. a passing over.
OVERSOWINGoversowing v. Present participle of oversow.
OVERSOW v. to sow over.
VENOLOGIESVENOLOGY n. the study of veins.
VINOLOGIESVINOLOGY n. the study of vines.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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