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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing E, I, M, O, 2R and Z

FORMALIZERformalizer n. One who or that which formalizes.
FORMALIZER n. one who formalizes, also FORMALISER.
GLAMORIZERglamorizer n. One who glamorizes.
GLAMORIZER n. one who glamorizes, also GLAMORISER.
HARMONIZERharmonizer n. Someone who harmonizes, or brings harmony.
harmonizer n. (Music) An electronic pitch shift effect where the shifted version is played alongside the original in harmony.
Harmonizer n. (Slang) A fan of the American girl group Fifth Harmony.
MEMORIZERSmemorizers n. Plural of memorizer.
MEMORIZER n. one who memorizes, also MEMORISER.
MODERNIZERmodernizer n. An advocate of modernization.
MODERNIZER n. one who modernizes, also MODERNISER.
MORALIZERSmoralizers n. Plural of moralizer.
MORALIZER n. one who moralizes, also MORALISER.
NORMALIZERnormalizer n. One who normalizes, fits to a norm or standard etc.
normalizer n. (Algebra) The subset of elements of some group which leave some given subset invariant when conjugating it.
NORMALIZER n. one that normalizes, also NORMALISER.
RANDOMIZERrandomizer n. One who, or that which, randomizes.
RANDOMIZER n. a device or routine for randomising, also RANDOMISER.
REMORALIZEremoralize v. (Transitive) To supply with morals again.
remoralize v. (Transitive) To restore the morale of (after demoralization); to encourage again.
REMORALIZE v. to restore morality to, also REMORALISE.
SERMONIZERsermonizer n. A preacher; one who delivers sermons.
SERMONIZER n. one who sermonizes, also SERMONISER.
TEMPORIZERtemporizer n. A person who temporizes.
TEMPORIZER n. one who temporizes, also TEMPORISER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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