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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing E, I, L, N, 2R and U

BLURRINESSblurriness n. The characteristic of being blurry.
BLURRINESS n. the state of being blurry.
INCURRABLEincurrable adj. That can be incurred.
INCURRABLE adj. that can be incurred.
INTERLUNARinterlunar adj. Of the four-day period between an old moon and a new moon, when the moon is not visible.
INTERLUNAR adj. pertaining to the period between the old and new moon, also INTERLUNARY.
OVERRULINGoverruling v. Present participle of overrule.
overruling n. The situation where something is overruled.
OVERRULING n. the act of overruling.
PERINEURALperineural adj. (Medicine) Near a nerve or nerves.
PERINEURAL adj. relating to the perineurium, connective tissue enclosing a nerve bundle, also PERINEURIAL.
PRURIENTLYpruriently adv. In a prurient manner.
PRURIENT adv. having lustful thoughts or desires.
PURLOINERSpurloiners n. Plural of purloiner.
PURLOINER n. one who purloins.
QUARRELINGquarreling v. US standard spelling of quarrelling.
quarreling n. US standard spelling of quarrelling.
QUARRELING n. te act of having a quarrel.
SUPERLINERsuperliner n. An ocean liner or cruise liner of over 10,000 gross tons.
SUPERLINER n. a very large ocean liner.
TRANQUILERtranquiler adj. Comparative form of tranquil: more tranquil.
TRANQUIL adj. calm, peaceful.
UNDERLIERSunderliers n. Plural of underlier.
UNDERLIER n. one who underlies.
UNERRINGLYunerringly adv. Without making a mistake, perfectly, directly.
UNERRING adv. not erring.
UNLITERARYunliterary adj. Not associated with literature; especially, not associated with artistic literature.
UNLITERARY adj. not literary.
UNRIDDLERSunriddlers n. Plural of unriddler.
UNRIDDLER n. one who unriddles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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