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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing E, I, L, 2N, S and V

ANTINOVELSantinovels n. Plural of antinovel.
anti-novels n. Plural of anti-novel.
ANTINOVEL n. a work written in defiance of novelistic convention.
ENLIVENERSenliveners n. Plural of enlivener.
ENLIVENER n. something that enlivens.
INSOLVENCYinsolvency n. (Finance) The condition of being insolvent; the state or condition of a person who is insolvent; the…
insolvency n. Insufficiency to discharge all debts of the owner.
insolvency n. The condition of having more debts than assets.
INSOLVENTSinsolvents n. Plural of insolvent.
INSOLVENT n. one who is insolvent.
LEAVENINGSleavenings n. Plural of leavening.
LEAVENING n. the production of fermentation in.
LEVANTINESLevantines n. Plural of Levantine.
LEVANTINE n. a closely-woven twilled silk cloth.
LIVINGNESSlivingness n. The state or quality of being alive; possession of energy or vigour; animation.
LIVINGNESS n. the state of being alive.
LOVINGNESSlovingness n. The quality of being loving.
LOVINGNESS n. affection; kind regard.
NOVELISINGnovelising v. Present participle of novelise.
NOVELISE v. to put into the form of a novel, also NOVELIZE.
SNIVELINGSsnivelings n. Plural of sniveling.
SNIVELING n. a snuffling sound indicative of crying.
SNIVELLINGsnivelling v. Present participle of snivel.
snivelling n. The act of producing a snivel.
SNIVELLING n. the act or sound of snivelling.
UNIVALENTSunivalents n. Plural of univalent.
UNIVALENT n. a univalent radical.
UNVEILINGSunveilings n. Plural of unveiling.
UNVEILING n. the act of unveiling.
VALENTINESvalentines n. Plural of valentine.
Valentines n. Plural of Valentine.
Valentine's adj. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see Valentine, -’s.
VASELININGvaselining v. Present participle of vaseline.
VASELINE v. to cover or smear with a translucent gelatinous substance obtained from petroleum.
VENIALNESSvenialness n. The quality of being venial (pardonable).
VENIALNESS n. the state of being venial.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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