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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing E, I, 2L, S, U and V

ALLUSIVELYallusively adv. In an allusive manner; in a manner characterized by allusion.
ALLUSIVE adv. alluding.
DELUSIVELYdelusively adv. In a delusive or deluded manner.
DELUSIVE adv. tending to delude, also DELUSORY.
DULLSVILLEdullsville n. A fictional or generic location that is boring or dull.
dullsville n. A state or condition of boredom or disinterest.
DULLSVILLE n. a boring place where nothing happens.
ILLUSIVELYillusively adv. In a illusive fashion.
ILLUSIVE adv. based on illusion, also ILLUSORY.
ILLUVIATESilluviates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of illuviate.
ILLUVIATE v. to deposit illuvium, material removed from soil layer by rainwater and deposited in lower layer.
INVOLUCELSinvolucels n. Plural of involucel.
INVOLUCEL n. a small secondary bract (as on Queen Anne's lace).
PULVILISEDPULVILISED adj. in the form of pulvil, a perfumed powder, also PULVILIZED.
PULVINULESPULVINULE n. the pulvinus of a leaflet.
SURVEILLEDsurveilled v. Simple past tense and past participle of surveil.
surveilled v. Simple past tense and past participle of surveille.
SURVEIL v. to watch closely, also SURVEILLE.
SURVEILLESsurveilles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of surveille.
SURVEILLE v. to observe, keep under surveillance, also SURVEIL.
TELEVISUALtelevisual adj. Of or relating to television.
televisual adj. Suitable for broadcasting on television.
televisual adj. Telegenic (Can we add an example for this sense?).
VEILLEUSESveilleuses n. Plural of veilleuse.
VEILLEUSE n. (French) a small, highly-decorated nightlight.
VITELLUSESvitelluses n. Plural of vitellus.
VITELLUS n. (Latin) the yolk of an egg.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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